Fic: My Precious Boy

Sep 07, 2011 21:15

Title: My Precious Boy
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Neal, Peter, Adler; pre-Neal/Peter
Spoilers: Under the Radar
Content Notice: Non-con/rape, torture. It’s a fuck-or-die situation, people.
Word Count: ~2,700
Summary: Fuck or die. Alternate, contrivey ending for Under the Radar - what if Adler decided to hang on to Neal and Peter for a while ( Read more... )

genre: darkfic, fics, activity: hc_bingo, fandom: white collar, genre: angst, genre: h/c, character: peter burke, character: neal caffrey, character: vincent adler, pairing: neal/peter

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Comments 24

leonie_alastair September 8 2011, 01:34:40 UTC
Great ending! I like the whole set up, Neal's past history with Adler and how truly creepy you made Adler in this.


rabidchild September 10 2011, 16:29:12 UTC
Adler is one twisted dude!


surreal_44 September 8 2011, 01:35:47 UTC
This was very bad (in an excellent way!).

And the ending made me cheer. Yay for Alex being able to send help for them!


rabidchild September 10 2011, 16:29:30 UTC
She's crafty!


lady_krystal_79 September 8 2011, 01:39:17 UTC
I love your writing. All of it. And this was just another example of it. Great story. The emotional pain is more intense than the physical. I just wanted it to keep going!


rabidchild September 10 2011, 16:30:00 UTC
That is a very high compliment you pay me - thank you so much.


micheleeeex September 8 2011, 01:42:22 UTC
This was great - Adler was really creepy and I liked that ending!


rabidchild September 10 2011, 16:30:18 UTC


elrhiarhodan September 8 2011, 01:43:56 UTC
This is just awful in the most terrific way. I can definitely see Adler as such a creepy freak.

Thank you for this wonderful fill - it makes my skin crawl. But the ending, the ending is perfect and satisfying in all the best ways.


rabidchild September 10 2011, 16:30:58 UTC
Why, thank you so much! And thanks for helping with the ending - it's definitely more impactful because of you!


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