Fic: The Trial

Aug 09, 2010 09:20

Title: The Trial
Rating: Mildly NC-17
Fandom: White Collar
Characters/Pairings: Neal/Peter
Spoilers: None - pre-series
Summary: From the following excellent prompt at collarkink: "After Peter catches Neal for the first time, there must have been a trial, right? I want them staring at each other across the courtroom ( Read more... )

fics, fandom: white collar, genre: pre-series, character: neal caffrey, character: peter burke, genre: unrequited/ust, genre: pre-relationship, pairing: neal/peter

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Comments 15

elrhiarhodan August 10 2010, 17:31:02 UTC
Words cannot express how much I love this. It's hot and angsty and hot and hot.

I had to take a road trip with my boss yesterday, and he drove. He had a lot on his mind and was not in a chatty mood. So I read this while sitting in my boss's BMW as we cruised down the Garden State Parkway. I squirmed for 20 miles.

Thank you!


rabidchild August 10 2010, 18:44:02 UTC
*grins stupidly*

Thanks for the review - quite a compliment coming from one of my fanfic heroines. I'm kvelling. Also, I am encouraged to write more fics, so yay.


elrhiarhodan August 10 2010, 19:03:00 UTC
You must continue writing. Without question.


surreal_44 August 21 2010, 03:57:28 UTC
I loved this on collarkink and I love it all over again. Lovely bit of angst and sweetness. I loved the dynamics of the characters. Also, I think El will find that drawing just lovely, and will want to meet Neal someday. ;-)

(That was a broad hint that I would love to see a sequel for after Neal is out of jail. :-) )


rabidchild August 21 2010, 15:39:41 UTC
Thanks so much for your comments! A sequel...hadn't given that a thought, but why not? I'll add it to my list.

While I am BIG into P/E/N, I've never given a thought to how I personally would get them there. Hmmm, this is an interesting idea.


b_scholes August 21 2010, 08:22:23 UTC
Wow. Great story. And a Casablanca reference. Here's looking at you kid.


rabidchild August 21 2010, 15:40:54 UTC
Thank you. Man, I love your icon - is that your own photo?


schnuffie August 21 2010, 08:34:04 UTC
Wooohoooo! Great story. *points at icon* PLEASE?


rabidchild August 21 2010, 15:44:19 UTC
Thanks! *grins* I am a sucker for feedback. As for the icon: have at it - I just cropped a photo I found on the Interwebs somewhere.


schnuffie August 21 2010, 16:29:07 UTC


damietta August 21 2010, 23:50:45 UTC
The things I liked best about the pilot were the vulnerable looks that Neal had in prison when he was talking to Peter about working with him.

In your story I can just see the wheels beginning to turn in Peter's mind (not knowing that 3+ years later the role he would play in Neal's life again) as the combination of Neal's vulnerability, sex appeal and smart seep into his conciousness. I liked that you kept the respect for each other throughout the story, too!


rabidchild August 22 2010, 01:37:36 UTC
Thanks for your feedback - I'm glad you liked it. The respect they have for each other and the fact that the show treats them as equals is what is so appealing to me. Well, and other things (see icon).


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