Fic: No Pagliaccio non son!

Aug 21, 2011 21:37

Title: No Pagliaccio non son!
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Neal/Kate
Spoilers: None
Content Notice: Opera!
Word Count: ~400
Summary: Neal gets silly outside the Metropolitan Opera House.

A/N: Written for daria234, who prompted me with, “someone falls or gets pushed into a fountain.”

Here be fic… )

character: neal caffrey, fics, character: kate moreau, fandom: white collar, genre: pre-series, genre: romance/schmoop, pairing: neal/kate

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Comments 14

secretsolitaire August 22 2011, 02:27:56 UTC
Hahahaha! I love the jaded cops at the end.


rabidchild August 24 2011, 20:16:32 UTC
Hee - thanks! Only in New York.


ursula4x August 22 2011, 03:37:39 UTC
That was a delight and a half.


rabidchild August 24 2011, 20:16:54 UTC
Thanks so much!


neontiger55 August 22 2011, 08:38:21 UTC
Ha! I loved this. The little aside from the two beat cops was inspired.


rabidchild August 24 2011, 20:17:13 UTC
Aw, thanks!


daria234 August 23 2011, 06:32:30 UTC
Still love this !!!!!!


rabidchild August 24 2011, 20:18:10 UTC
I am so glad you liked it. Ask Elr - it took me longer to research this than it did to write it!


elrhiarhodan August 24 2011, 14:55:43 UTC
So very, very lovely. What a terrific take on the prompt.


rabidchild August 24 2011, 20:18:34 UTC
Thanks, my dear.


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