Fic: Feel a Little More Alive

Dec 31, 2010 10:19

Title:  Feel a Little More Alive
Rating:  PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Diana, Peter
Spoilers:  None
Summary: How Diana and Peter might have met; Diana assists on her first operation for the FBI while she is a trainee at Quantico. Day Eight of my Twelve Days of Ficmas challenge, and the strain is showing o_O
Warnings/Triggers: None
Word Count: ~3100

Here be fic... )

character: diana berrigan, fics, activity: hc_bingo, fandom: white collar, genre: pre-series, genre: h/c, character: peter burke, activity: 12 days of ficmas 2010, genre: gen, genre: casefic

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Comments 14

amy1705fl December 31 2010, 17:04:35 UTC
Haven'r read it yet but looks good. Go easy on yourself and just write some short fic. Do a few schmoopy or smutty drabbles. Enjoy it don't stress sweetie.


rabidchild December 31 2010, 18:19:11 UTC
You are so sweet to say that! I have two ficlets planned, and another Five Times tale, which are so easy to write, it'll be a pleasure. Just have to make the time this weekend so I can get back to work next week :D


secretsolitaire December 31 2010, 17:18:29 UTC
Go Diana! I liked this idea of how they met.


rabidchild December 31 2010, 18:19:55 UTC


surreal_44 January 1 2011, 05:47:23 UTC
You're being way too hard on yourself. I thought this was great. :-)


rabidchild January 1 2011, 14:45:34 UTC
Aww, thanks. In the light of a new year, I feel a bit better about it...toddles off to cross-post.


sg_lab January 1 2011, 17:23:46 UTC
This was great. I love Diana, Peter fic especially pre-series.


rabidchild January 3 2011, 03:53:35 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it!


arsenicjade January 6 2011, 20:16:02 UTC
This is perfect Diana fic, I love it so much. She's so observant and that last scene is just preciousness.


rabidchild January 6 2011, 20:42:01 UTC
Aw, thanks so much!


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