Fic: Only Son, Part 2

Dec 15, 2010 10:39

Title: Only Son
Rating: R for violence
Characters/Pairings: Neal and Moz, (though P/E/N established relationship is in there)
Warnings/Triggers: child abuse
Spoilers: None
Word Count: ~8800 for both parts
Summary:  The story of how Neal and Mozzie met, and why Neal never finished high school. Continues my Origins set of pre-series fics, but can be read ( Read more... )

fics, activity: hc_bingo, fandom: white collar, pairing: neal/peter/elizabeth, genre: pre-series, genre: h/c, character: neal caffrey, series: origins, character: moz, genre: kidfic

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Comments 39

elrhiarhodan December 15 2010, 15:51:13 UTC
Whew....I thought I was going to have to wait.

This is utterly terrific...and everyone is perfectly in character, particularly Mozzie. Yes - I can definitely see him being the Detroit mob's golden goose. Most definitely.

A tour d'force. Powerful and real and I wish this was canon.


rabidchild December 15 2010, 18:59:12 UTC
Thank you. This one really flowed out of me once I got started - thanks for the encouragement along the way. Whew! I should go get some work done or something.


micheleeeex December 15 2010, 18:11:29 UTC
i loved this!


rabidchild December 15 2010, 18:59:31 UTC
Thanks - I'm glad!


donutsweeper December 15 2010, 18:37:51 UTC
love this look at how Moz and Neal might have met


rabidchild December 15 2010, 19:00:40 UTC
I'm sure it'll be Jossed soon enough! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


amycat1959 April 7 2011, 09:20:58 UTC
So what if it's Jossed... THis is better than canon... :-)


rabidchild April 7 2011, 12:40:35 UTC
Thanks for saying that - I tend to agree. I found When Moz Met Neal... to be a disappointment.


ultracape December 15 2010, 19:25:23 UTC
Great story and definitely plausible.


rabidchild December 16 2010, 02:26:54 UTC
Oh my, thank you so much.


embroiderama December 15 2010, 19:38:10 UTC
I really love teen!Neal and young Mozzie here. The way they meet and bond makes a lot of tense.


rabidchild December 16 2010, 02:29:30 UTC
I am absolutely in love with teen!Neal. As a character. Not in a stalkery, Marybeth LeTourneau way...more like a mom maybe. Uh, idk, I should shut up now. *eyes shift*


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