Fic: Only Son, Part 1

Dec 15, 2010 10:32

Title: Only Son
Rating: R for violence
Characters/Pairings: Neal and Moz, (though P/E/N established relationship is in there)
Warnings/Triggers: child abuse
Spoilers: None
Word Count: ~8800 for both parts
Summary:  The story of how Neal and Mozzie met, and why Neal never finished high school. Continues my Origins set of pre-series fics, but can be read ( Read more... )

fics, activity: hc_bingo, fandom: white collar, pairing: neal/peter/elizabeth, genre: pre-series, genre: h/c, character: neal caffrey, series: origins, character: moz, genre: kidfic

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Comments 3

elrhiarhodan December 15 2010, 15:42:54 UTC

You can't stop here...tell me the rest is written and it will be posted tomorrow.


This is wonderful...I love origin stories, and it's one of the best ever.


rabidchild December 15 2010, 15:49:15 UTC
It's up now - you caught me in between posts


elrhiarhodan December 15 2010, 15:52:01 UTC
I saw...and have read, and have commented.

It's terrific.


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