ST:AOS Fic: Where No Knives Have Gone Before, Episode 3: The Offal Truth

Jan 06, 2013 15:51

Title: Where No Knives Have Gone Before: Episode 3 The Offal Truth
Fandom: ST:AOS fusion with Top Chef
Rating: Overall: NC-17. This chapter: G
Characters/Pairings: Ensemble and then some; the overall story is leading up to Jim/Spock; Top Chef judges, including Padma Lakshmi and Tom Colicchio, Top Chef Master Chris Cosentino for this one.
Spoilers: ( Read more... )

genre: fusion, character: jim kirk, fics, character: nyota uhura, fandom: star trek reboot, series: where no knives have gone before, genre: angst, character: spock, genre: h/c, character: amanda grayson, character: leonard mccoy, pairing: jim/spock

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Comments 11

elrhiarhodan January 6 2013, 22:46:33 UTC
Why, oh why isn't THIS the season of Top Chef? You've perfectly captured both the AOS characters AND the rhythms of the TC series. Brilliant, just brilliant.

And I must say, the wait was so definitely worth it. Brava on another terrific chapter.


rabidchild January 7 2013, 19:33:31 UTC
Aw, thanks, beebs! IDK what was blocking me on this one, but I'm glad I got past it.


abbysiuta January 8 2013, 03:34:15 UTC
Adore this series! And I celebrity crush hardcore on Chris Cosentino so I adore this chapter even more! Bravo.


rabidchild January 8 2013, 09:57:55 UTC
LOL! Then I'm glad I chose him. I feel the same way about Hubert Keller - what I would DO with the sexy ponytail!


rabidchild January 8 2013, 17:48:14 UTC
BTW, if there're other chefs you want in there as guest judges, just ask. I've got a list of SF-based folks, but I can be easily persuaded.


abbysiuta January 8 2013, 19:07:45 UTC
Well, as a fan of Chris Cosentino, I am also a big fan of his often partner Aaron Sanchez. He's never been on Top Chef but he's a mainstay all over Food Network.

You are awesome!


theatregirl7299 January 8 2013, 22:00:10 UTC
Yaay! I have been waiting for another chapter in this. Thank you.

I really liked getting into Spock's family history and I'm so looking forward to his - ahem - interactions with Jim.

And I love your Kirk BTW - his whole laid back out of the box attitude is a hoot.

Thanks for continuing this.


spirktrekker42 January 13 2013, 03:20:50 UTC
OMG I love Jim and Gaila on a team so much <3 That is just fantastic.

Also, this is the best effing line ever. "Besides, if you’re invisible, they don’t see you coming."


rabidchild January 13 2013, 19:59:37 UTC
Thanks so much! These characters are so much fun to put into AUs, aren't they?


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