FIC: Five Times Peter Knew Elizabeth Loved Him

Nov 09, 2010 09:20

Title: Five Times Peter Knew Elizabeth Loved Him
Rating:  PG-13
Characters/Pairings:  Peter/Elizabeth/Neal pre-OT3, but only just
Spoilers:  Bad Judgment
Summary:  The title says it all... Sequel to  Five Times Elizabeth Knew Peter Loved Her
Warnings/Triggers:  none
Word Count: ~1900

Here be fic... )

pairing: peter/elizabeth, fics, fandom: white collar, pairing: neal/peter/elizabeth, genre: pre-series, series: five times

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Comments 26

elrhiarhodan November 9 2010, 15:13:56 UTC

Just what I wanted, just what I needed.

This is just so lovely, I don't have words for it right now.

Actually, I do - it's like a fine cashmere blanket wrapped against naked skin, it's like a freshly made bed, with soft white sheets and a down comforter on a cold night.

Thank you!


rabidchild November 9 2010, 15:30:27 UTC
Such lovely comparisons - thank you. I should go work now or something *shifty eyes*


sahiya November 9 2010, 15:16:14 UTC
Awww! I love both of these. They work so well together.


rabidchild November 9 2010, 15:29:13 UTC
Thanks! I tried to have the stories parallel each other, structurally - I hope it was successful.


bbm_got_me_good November 9 2010, 16:44:53 UTC
Mmmmm it was good. Is there going to be a part about Neal, too?


rabidchild November 9 2010, 17:04:58 UTC
Aww, maaan! Now I have to write that too! ;-P

I'm glad you enjoyed it.


surreal_44 November 9 2010, 20:32:39 UTC
Hahahahaha. I didn't even tell them to say that to you. :-p


rabidchild November 9 2010, 20:51:52 UTC
You mean, you didn't start up a whole new LJ ID just to torture me? o_O

Heh. Now I do have to go write this - how do I keep setting myself up like this?


surreal_44 November 9 2010, 20:32:12 UTC
Ahhhhhhhhh! -flails- Lovely. Beautiful. Elizabeth and Peter are so awesome together. :-D


deepbluemermaid November 9 2010, 21:02:43 UTC
Awesome :)


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