ST:AOS Fic: Where No Knives Have Gone Before, Episode 1

Aug 20, 2012 23:49

Title: Where No Knives Have Gone Before: I Left My Heart...
Fandom: ST:AOS fusion with Top Chef
Rating: NC-17, because there will be smut; this chapter: a hard R
Characters/Pairings: Ensemble and then some; Jim/Gaila and past Spock/Nyota for this one, but the overall story is leading up to eventual Jim/Spock; Top Chef judges, including Padma ( Read more... )

genre: fusion, character: jim kirk, fics, pairing: jim/gaila, fandom: star trek reboot, series: where no knives have gone before, character: spock, genre: romance/schmoop, genre: h/c, character: leonard mccoy, top chef, pairing: jim/spock, character: gaila, genre: au/crack

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Comments 10

elrhiarhodan August 21 2012, 01:07:15 UTC
What fun!

You are definitely achieving fusion. Of a very delicious kind.

Warp speed ahead for the next episode.


rabidchild August 25 2012, 23:39:03 UTC
Ah, thank you! It was very much fun to write. The next ep will be called "The Kobayashi Maru"!


leonie_alastair August 21 2012, 02:21:03 UTC
Neat idea for a fusion. I keep stumbling across bits of STXI and giggling. You've blended the two together very well. I look forward to the next episode.


rabidchild August 25 2012, 23:39:41 UTC
Here's hoping I can keep it up, with parallelling the movie into this. I've got 15 chapters planned - wish me luck


sarahphym August 21 2012, 17:09:37 UTC
ohmygawd. love this! can't wait for the next part. :)


rabidchild August 26 2012, 00:14:30 UTC
Thank you so much - it's my first ST fic - yikes!


miri_thompson August 23 2012, 09:20:09 UTC
Excellent! What a fun reinterpretation of AOS! I've never watched the chef show, but I'm loving this regardless. And I'm rooting for Bones, though I give props to Carol for the vegan dishes. :)


rabidchild August 26 2012, 00:15:14 UTC
Carol is on a mission to bring haute vegan cuisine to America!


abbysiuta August 25 2012, 22:29:43 UTC
That was awesome!


rabidchild August 26 2012, 00:15:32 UTC
:D Thanks so much.


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