White Collar Fic: Small Plates, or Five Times Neal Enjoyed the Food in Prison

Jul 26, 2012 13:12

Title: Small Plates, or Five Times Neal Enjoyed the Food in Prison
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Neal, OMC, gen
Spoilers: Diminishing Returns
Content Notice: Pre-series
Word Count: 2,500
Summary: What it says on the tin.

A/N: Neal's comment in “Diminishing Returns” that he’d enjoyed fresh-poached (?) duck confit while in prison got me to ( Read more... )

fics, genre: fluff, genre: food porn, fandom: white collar, genre: pre-series, genre: h/c, character: neal caffrey, genre: gen

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Comments 57

ladygray99 July 26 2012, 17:26:23 UTC
Damn you
I am now so fucking hungry.


rabidchild July 26 2012, 19:20:13 UTC
*evil grin*


embroiderama July 26 2012, 17:46:38 UTC
Somehow that's exactly the kind of situation Neal would have found himself in, with his bizarre mix of good and bad luck. ;) And the ending was perfect!


rabidchild July 26 2012, 19:23:00 UTC
Exactly - he leads this charmed existence at times, so it's perfectly believable.


winterstar95 July 26 2012, 17:56:19 UTC
You know someday I will eat as well as Neal does in prison....but with two little boys I am destine to eat chicken nuggets and yogurt for a while. A girl can dream and read your great story!



rabidchild July 26 2012, 19:05:11 UTC
Some day I will cook for you, and there will be no chicken nuggets or yogurt in the house.


kanarek13 July 26 2012, 18:16:27 UTC
Win, win, win! Awwww... but seriously, only Neal would score himself gourmet food in prison :D Lovely story, brought a huge smile to my face :D Thank you \o/... And thank God I just had dinner :D


elrhiarhodan July 26 2012, 18:46:01 UTC
YUM. Just, yum.

Glad I read this AFTER lunch, because I'd be tempted to blow off the afternoon and head out for some really good eats.



just WIN!!!!!!!!


rabidchild July 26 2012, 20:31:11 UTC
Heh. I found a list of 250 prison movies, looking for a better alternative, something more clever and punny like "The Greatest Cake" but my imagination failed me. It was this or "Fed Man Walking"...


elrhiarhodan July 26 2012, 20:41:02 UTC
Well, it's leagues better than the Greek restaurant I once dreamed of opening: "Edible Rex".


rabidchild July 26 2012, 20:44:22 UTC
Though I must say, if a mother and son were to open a restaurant together, calling it "Edible Complex" might be pretty cool...


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