White Collar Fic: The Devil's Workshop

Jul 04, 2012 16:48

Title: The Devil’s Workshop
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Moz, Neal, Peter; gen, pre-series
Spoilers: Forging Bonds
Content Notice: None
Word Count: 4,500
Summary: When Neal is hospitalized, Moz has to use all his wits to keep him under the radar.

A/N: This is a fill for Prompt 6 of my wcpairings challenge for the lovely emmademarais. Her prompt was “N gen ( Read more... )

fics, fandom: white collar, genre: pre-series, activity: wcpairings, genre: h/c, character: peter burke, character: neal caffrey, genre: gen, character: moz

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Comments 39

leonie_alastair July 4 2012, 21:59:27 UTC
This is perfect Mozzie. Caring for Neal and sticking it to "the man." Just perfect!


rabidchild July 12 2012, 22:45:05 UTC
Late reply is late!

Thanks - that means so much, aww.


frith_in_thorns July 4 2012, 22:03:07 UTC
I love Mozzie being devious! Him continuing to delay Peter like that was great. And I especially loved how much he was concerned for Neal, looking after him and protecting him :)


rabidchild July 12 2012, 22:45:47 UTC
We need more Machiavellian!Moz, dammit!


damietta July 4 2012, 23:39:50 UTC
This will be an interesting story someday when Peter realizes that Mozzie was the doctor, LOL. I loved all the different contingency plans!


rabidchild July 12 2012, 22:46:15 UTC
Hee - thanks. This one was too much fun to write.


pipilj July 5 2012, 06:59:57 UTC
LOL loved Mozzie delaying tactics.


rabidchild July 12 2012, 22:46:28 UTC
:D :D :D


(The comment has been removed)

rabidchild July 12 2012, 22:46:51 UTC
Hee! I hope you were able to cover!


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