White Collar Fic: The Princess Bride, by R. Child, Conclusion

Apr 22, 2012 13:59

Title: The Princess Bride, by R. Child, Conclusion
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Neal/Elizabeth/Peter
Spoilers: You kidding?
Content Notice: It’s White Collar vs. The Princess Bride (film). With apologies to William Goldman… and Rob Reiner while I’m at it. Also: character death.
Word Count: 6,100
Summary: Part the last, in which True Love ( Read more... )

fics, character: sara ellis, fandom: white collar, pairing: neal/peter/elizabeth, character: clinton jones, character: reese hughes, genre: romance/schmoop, genre: h/c, character: elizabeth burke, character: neal caffrey, character: vincent adler, character: matthew keller, genre: pre-relationship, character: moz, series: the princess bride

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Comments 23

maiac April 22 2012, 18:54:46 UTC
Miracle Moz is perfect, especially his newsletter The Grassy Knoll.


rabidchild April 24 2012, 12:53:55 UTC
Hee - some things don't change, fairy tale AU or not!


teaboyfan April 22 2012, 21:19:30 UTC
Um - Miracle Moz, not Magic Moz. Guess where my mind was. This was an absolute joy, a perfect little Moebius twist into another dimension, and your last line has exactly the right voice. And they all lived happily ever after on Fire Island: I love it! Now I've got to hit Netflix for the movie while your version is fresh in my mind. This was a real tour de force, and you should be very proud of yourself!


rabidchild April 24 2012, 12:54:55 UTC
And they all lived happily ever after on Fire Island

Heh - not too obvious, eh?

If you've got Cinemax on your list of cable channels - and you're in the US for that matter, lol - it's on this month. I just taped it last night.


leonie_alastair April 23 2012, 00:36:55 UTC
This was great fun! Moz and Sara were perfect and I loved Peter seeking vengeance for Diana. You did a brilliant job of slotting the WC characters into the framework of the novel.


rabidchild April 24 2012, 12:56:16 UTC
Thank you so much! It was tremendous fun to write this.

<--- BTW, my label for this icon on my LJ list is "To Blave" and has been since I uploaded it over a year ago - foreshadowing!!!


daria234 April 23 2012, 00:47:42 UTC
WHee! What a fun ride - so sweet and funny, and the WC characters fit so well. (And you are encouraging me to ship Moz/Sara :)

This fic was great :)


rabidchild April 24 2012, 12:57:40 UTC
Hey why not - Moz/Sara are the next hot item!


jrosemary April 23 2012, 02:43:28 UTC
ROFL! I love the way you managed to include Mozzie's IC paranoia and conspiracy theories in his role as Miracle Max. (The Grassy Knoll--ohmygosh, how perfect!)

What a fun ride! Everything was pitch perfect and--given the constraints of the original script--I can even forgive you for killing off Keller.

And that three way embrace at the end was the ideal ending. Fantastic job!


rabidchild April 24 2012, 12:59:28 UTC
I can kill Keller a hundred times and never get tired of it LOL. IDEK what is up with that. I htink I've killed him 6 times now or something.

Glad people are liking the ending. I left breadcrumbs for it, but I couldn't make it not feel tacked on somehow. But such is the way of fairy tales, yes?

"And then they lived happily ever after..."


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