Will credit when used. (Going across the rows from left to right starting at the top) Taking #3,7,15.
I love the expressions on their faces in no.3 and the positioning via the triangles looks wonderful. In no.7 you did a nice job with matching the font color with Jack's shirt. And that the background is all black really makes the image and text stand out. As for no.15 the colors, including flesh tones are so lovely.
And while I didn't take them (but might come back later) I loved the effects in no.10 (Susie in sepia) and no.12 b&w Ianto with the black/red background. Love how both of the characters look in these. They really stand out in a good way.
Thanks for the extensive comment. I've done a lot of image correction over the years, but am just starting to play around with other effects. It's great to hear which ones work for you.
taking 3 and 15, will definitely credit when i use them! thanks! these are awesome. i especially like how you made one of susie--i think she's often neglected.
Thanks. Suzie was interesting and more than a little scary. And Indira Varma is stunning. I'll eventually have some more of her when I do the episodes she's in.
she is stunning. she was on the TV show Bones last night in the 2 hour premiere. it was really neat, but i was the only one who knew who she was. i was like "that's the torchwood girl!" and everyone else looked at me like i had a second head or something. lol.
I took 2, 7, 9 and 10. Lovely! And thank you. I particularly like your design of #10 - I haven't seen that pose before with both Jack and Ianto together. It's terrific.
Thanks. The reason you haven't seen the Jack/Ianto one before is because it's a created pose. Both screen shots were from the office scene, but I cut Ianto from a shot of him near a desk, resized the image, flipped him so he was leaning toward Jack, and then inserted him on the other side of the column. Glad to see so many people like it, cause it was quite a bit of work :-)
Comments 15
I love the expressions on their faces in no.3 and the positioning via the triangles looks wonderful. In no.7 you did a nice job with matching the font color with Jack's shirt. And that the background is all black really makes the image and text stand out. As for no.15 the colors, including flesh tones are so lovely.
And while I didn't take them (but might come back later) I loved the effects in no.10 (Susie in sepia) and no.12 b&w Ianto with the black/red background. Love how both of the characters look in these. They really stand out in a good way.
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