[song translation] NEVER LAND - Tengoku e no Tegami

Nov 13, 2009 18:47

The song that introduced me to the band. ^_____^ I'm glad that I found my way to that youtube file.
I love the raw sound from this band.

Japanese sentence, structure and words are sometimes not translatable into English that makes sense, therefore, I tend to cut here and there or even change the whole sentence to get English interpretation that's good structurally. I'm not a native speaker of English nor that I have mastered Japanese, therefore I might get something wrong or write the incorrect expression.

Corrections and comments are highly appreciated.

Letter to Heaven
Words/Music: Akihide

君がいなくなってから 僕は叶わぬことがあると知りました
たまに逢える夢にいったては ただ寂しさが募るばかりです
あの時 もっと優しく出来たらと、、、
尽きる事のない後悔が 今も僕の頭を埋めてます

Since the day you’re gone I know that my wish was not granted
Sometimes I can meet you in my dream but it only invoke more sadness
Then, perhaps I could have been more kind
Even now my head is buried by repentance that has not run out

わかってるけど もっとそばにいてほしかった

The important thing is not the length of time
Despite of understanding that, I still wanted to be by your side

もう一度君に出遭いたい時 僕は瞳閉じて君を描く
「また逢えるさ」と 心の中で 君はずっと生き続けている

Every time I want to meet you, I close my eyes and portray you
That kind smile makes your eyes looked narrow
“Until we meet again” You keep on living in my heart
Therefore even today I can continue living

宛先さえないこの手紙を 誰が届けてくれるというのかな?
もしも唄で綴ったのならば 神様どうか 届けてください

This letter that cannot be addressed,
Wonder who can deliver this?
If it had been be composed into a song
Perhaps I would beg gods to deliver it

忘れかけてた 幼い記憶は
君とはしゃいだ 青い空と輝く川面

The childhood memories that I started to forget
Sending you off, the blue sky gleaming on the river surface

もう一度君に出遭いたい時 僕瞳閉じて君を描く

Every time I want to meet you, I close my eyes and portray you
That kind smile makes your eyes looked narrow
“See you tomorrow” while holding my hand
You were always watching over me
Why I failed to realize, that was the last time

ありがとうさえ 伝えられなかった
サヨナラさえも 伝えられなかった

I wasn’t even able to relay my gratitude
I wasn’t even able to relay my farewell

もう一度君に出遭いたいから 僕は瞳閉じて君を描く
「頑張れるさ」と 心の中で 君はずっと言い続けている
僕は生かされている 君がくれた日々に

Because I want to meet you one more time,
I close my eyes and portray you
That kind smile makes your eyes looked narrow
“You can do your best”
Inside my heart your voice keeps on telling me
I am given this chance to live
Because of the days I received from you

I failed to understand the "nu" ending, but Chiba-sensei (my Japanese teacher) told that it’s an old negation form that show more feeling into his lyrics. This is something I can expect from such a lovable akiaki (my nickname for Akihide-san which, in my native language, means old man).

And a little Japanese 101; I’ve been wondering the difference between出会う and出遭うfor a while, because Akihide-san uses both of them a lot. Chiba-sensei laughed while explaining that actually the two are practically the same. But the second one is an old kanji, and therefore used a lot to emphasize feelings and to gain more romanticism in a written paragraph.

And on the sentence 大事なことは時間じゃないと, I translate as 時間 "the length of time", because even if the word time in English could mean both ways, it fits better for this.

akihide-san, never land, translation attempt

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