Well, that's it. Yesterday I packed my many bags, left some in a nook at the house I've been staying at, shouldered my unfeasibly large rucksack, stepped aboard the Eurostar, and once more changed countries. I've returned to the UK for summer, before I head off to Luxembourg in autumn
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When are you Eboro-bound?
As for Eboro, we are off on the 12th. Previews are on the 11th - would be bon to see you then :-)
So are things looking good and stuff? I think tried to email you a little while ago, but don't know if it made it. Or even if it was the right address!
You back at home at all this summer? Or you're always welcome to come here for a weekend or something, as we have a spare 'oom again!
Hope things are going well for you at the mo. My email address is [my full first name].[my surname] at gmail.com if you want to email me and tell me all the news. Or my old hotmail one still works - though i don't check it that often :-)
Though, 'tis sad that I am in London just when everyone is leaving for E'boro. Alas.
Hope you are enjoying your internships...
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