The new tv premieres are here! The new TV premieres are here!

Sep 19, 2006 18:27

To any of those people to whom, a few weeks back, I may have said something like - with a very few exceptions - I wasn't all that excited about the return of the television ...

Yeah, that was a lie.

Not an intentional lie, mind you. Just, my mind had obviously tricked me into thinking that I didn't really care one way or another ( Read more... )

ncis, fandom, tv, my shows, premiere week(s), addiction

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Comments 1

redflora September 20 2006, 04:39:09 UTC
I got NCIS Season 1 on DVD, and I'm shocked by how much I'd forgotten and that I actually missed a few episodes. I'm totally crushing on Tony, would love to hang out with Abby, and find the dynamic between Gibbs and Kate (once again) fascinating - I'm gonna have to find S2 double-quick, so I can get decently caught up for S3. I'm looking forward to your reviews! (And I still giggle over your NCIS dolls on occasion!)


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