
Apr 26, 2006 18:54

Do you guys get All-Tell commercials in your area? (It's yet another cellphone company ( Read more... )

amused, commercial, random

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Comments 6

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r_a_l_i_g_h April 27 2006, 18:46:58 UTC
I have a good old-fashioned VCR so even when I record, I still have to FF through commercials.


certainthings April 27 2006, 00:39:37 UTC
Ahahhahaa. Because it *is* funny.


r_a_l_i_g_h April 27 2006, 18:46:19 UTC
It is, isn't it? I love meta.


certainthings April 27 2006, 20:21:11 UTC
That's meta? I never understand what meta is, even though it's been explained to me several times.


r_a_l_i_g_h April 27 2006, 23:36:11 UTC
I am SO glad this is my journal, not yours, because there is no possible way I could accurately answer this in a single, correctly puncuated question.

"Meta" anything is of a higher level - (metaphysics) Meta typically indicates self-referential information. For instance meta-language is the words of a language used to discuss - language itself. (Tone, pitch, vocabulary, etc)

In television and movies "meta" typically refers to humor. (Of course, at this exact moment, I'm blanking on any examples) For instance, having Veronica VO about "cliching that Emmy nomination" might be considered meta.

Oh! Ocean's 11 and 12! FULL of meta-humor. When Rusty is teaching the b-rate tv stars poker and they walk out and teen fans mob Topher Grace (who is playing himself) while BRAD PITT and GEORGE CLOONEY walk by completely ignored because they're playing "nobodies"

THAT is meta.


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