Today's Consumption

Nov 10, 2005 22:05

Breakfast at Rotary club meeting (they BETTER feed us, hauling us all the way across town at 7:00 ( Read more... )

water, daily intake

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Comments 5

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r_a_l_i_g_h November 11 2005, 16:59:07 UTC
The recommendation is a MINIMUM of 8-10 8-oz glasses in a day. (which is 64-80 oz.) You're supposed to add more if you're sick, overweight, exercising, outside, drink alcohol, take in a lot of high-sodium food, etc.

For the most part, all I drink is water (purified, not tap, ugh), and I like it, so it's not hard.

During the summer I was drinking 100+ oz pretty much daily. With 120-140 on a regular basis. I've slacked off with the colder temperatures, and being busy. (I also haven't been exercising) I need to get back though, 'cause I can tell my body needs it. (Probably not to 120 oz level, but certainly 80-100)


carpedi7 November 11 2005, 04:36:29 UTC
you have a tail?


r_a_l_i_g_h November 11 2005, 16:54:35 UTC
Prehensile. Very useful.


carpedi7 November 11 2005, 17:26:12 UTC
hee. ;)


r_a_l_i_g_h November 11 2005, 17:48:41 UTC
Heh. It was a case of So. Many. Answers! - I went with the most oddball one.


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