Things I learned today

Nov 10, 2005 20:53

The internet is a wonderful thing. Without it I would never have found out ( Read more... )

odd, random holidays, things that are true, trivia, what would we do without the internet?, random, did you know?

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Comments 17

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r_a_l_i_g_h November 11 2005, 16:47:08 UTC
I know. Who knew chickens had earlobes? (I am now picturing chickens with pierced ears)

The GPS unit was kind of freaky. I'd be okay with it as a "panic button" kind of thing, I think. But it certainly seemed like an electronic leash/stalker aid, not a good thing.

Yes! for PB!

I've never cared about Stuart Townsend either. But last night, well, let's just say I didn't ignore him. But there was still something a little, - off, I think. The voice, though, the voice was good. I don't know. I only watched about twenty minutes of the show and he wasn't on screen for much of it.


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r_a_l_i_g_h November 11 2005, 17:46:38 UTC
I'm not sure. I saw very little of it and I was tired and not really paying attention. Plus, in shows with otherworldy elements, things don't always make sense if you jump in midway. (There was a dead DEA agent stalking another DEA agent who had escaped the ambush that killed the first? Live agent was rescued by some woman in Korea town who fell in love with him. And there was a shadowy motorcycle gang and mysterious cell phone calls from people who were supposed to be dead. - See what I mean?)

It looked pretty good, though. I'll probably try to watch again. Thursdays are usually pretty busy for me, though.


bostonben November 11 2005, 03:28:41 UTC
um, GPS panties? Frightening. I know they make GPS bracelet thingies for kids now, and I think those kinda rock.


r_a_l_i_g_h November 11 2005, 16:42:42 UTC
Yeah. It was a little disturbing. Especially because it kind of seemed like, the women might not be aware of this? Like, "keep tabs on your females without their knowledge" - Maybe not. I didn't open the site (it just was on the Google search page - The company is called "Forget-me-not") 'cause I was at work, so I don't know exactly what's up.


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r_a_l_i_g_h November 11 2005, 16:33:13 UTC
That's what I've heard. They're already got the story plotted out for year one and year two. And this year is all "Great Escape" while next year is "The Fugitive"


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r_a_l_i_g_h November 11 2005, 16:35:43 UTC
I like it too. I used to really like it, but after several months of Progresso, I realized that Campbell's is only the best soup ever when you're laid up.


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r_a_l_i_g_h November 11 2005, 16:53:28 UTC
Ooo, Progresso Turkey Noodle. Mmmmm. I could it eat it cold out of the can.

(How are you on Ramen?)

NEITHER HAVE I!!! "Why?" You ask? BECAUSE I AM STOOOPID. (and, yes, that's with a capital "ooo") - When I set my VCR on Monday, I must have been in a Prison Break-y mode, 'cause I recorded FOX instead of the WB. So I got to see House and Wilson and House's new motorcycle, which is all fine and dandy, but I HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL SUNDAY TO SEE SUPERNATURAL. WHICH IS *SO* NOT DANDY.



melodinous November 11 2005, 07:02:24 UTC
Did you watch Queen of the Damned? Because Stuart Townsend is HOT in that. I thought he was hot in Nightstalker, and then I watched that, and his Nightstalker counterpart pales in comparison. (hehe, "pale" compared to a vampire)


r_a_l_i_g_h November 11 2005, 16:39:29 UTC
Oooooooo. Nice.

I forget where I've seen Stuart Townsend before, but I was kind of "eh" - obviously not average looking, but I didn't really care. Then last night I was flipping around the channels (I got home late and didn't want to start CSI in the middle, [VCR had already started recording] I came accross Nightstalker and went "OOooo!?"

I think it's connected to the voice somehow, 'cause his looks still aren't so much completely my type.


melodinous November 11 2005, 16:52:06 UTC
I know what you mean. There's just something about him that I like, even though he's not really my kind of guy.


r_a_l_i_g_h November 11 2005, 17:49:33 UTC
The voice can be very influential.

(Well, you're a Kiefer fan, you know what I'm talking about.)


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