India Trip

Oct 02, 2005 00:09

This is a letter from the Rotary president of the district in India we will be visiting. I found it interesting and wanted to share some excerpts with you (any emphasis added is mine).

What you might expect from your trip )

india, india trip, gse

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Comments 8

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r_a_l_i_g_h October 2 2005, 18:38:33 UTC
I know!

They'd already told us about taking gifts for the host families. We need to pack like, 12-15 small, flat, lightweight items. My idea of what to take, since India is big on music and musicals, is a CD of the soundtrack to Oklahoma!. It's something we can share together while I'm there. Oh, and they also said our team will be asked to sing Oklahoma! all the time, 'cause that's the one thing everybody knows about our state.


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r_a_l_i_g_h October 2 2005, 22:41:11 UTC
Why, thankee. I thought it was pretty good. (CDs are light and flat and stackable, and I can pack them among my clothes and not have to worry about them getting messed up or leaking or anything.

Other people are giving OU/OSU shirts, dream catchers, made in Oklahoma food items, etc.


bostonben October 2 2005, 16:24:43 UTC


r_a_l_i_g_h October 2 2005, 18:46:27 UTC
My favorite part? is the "We create one Australia every year!" line. That a simple, yet effectively mind-boggling representation of India's population growth.


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