Weigh Anchor!

Jul 08, 2008 05:56

Came across this quote this morning. Somewhat related to my last quote, so sue me. It's a topic that's prominent in my mind lately.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do ( Read more... )

goals, good day, real life, pondering, quotes, busy, thinky-ness, deep thoughts

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Comments 4

omoo July 8 2008, 12:17:34 UTC
I like that quote. There is a song by sprit of the west, called Ships in Full Sail, that has lyrics very similar to your quote, or at least has the same message. I listen to it when I feel stuck.

That is a beautiful ship picture you have posted there. It feels very calm.


r_a_l_i_g_h July 8 2008, 22:28:12 UTC
I've never heard the song, but I love the quote.

Yeah, at first I was going to go with some big frigate or man-o-war charging over the billows. But then I found that one and thought, no, right now what I want is to sailing out with fair winds and calm seas.


truemyth July 8 2008, 15:15:54 UTC
A ship in harbor is safe ... but that is not what ships are built for!
This was my contribution to my Junior English "Quote of the Day" assignment.


r_a_l_i_g_h July 8 2008, 22:28:38 UTC
It's a good one!


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