Day in the life

Jul 18, 2007 00:04

This is for westcoastlovin and nsfinch and anybody else who might be interested in ramblings on my life ( Read more... )

dear diary..., my life, my schedule, day in the life, insane!!!, stories, i'm glad today is over, welcome to my brain, my family

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Comments 10

ora_wai July 18 2007, 10:07:46 UTC

Dude, that was lucky that your tire blew when it did. The concept of a co-op confuses me.


r_a_l_i_g_h July 18 2007, 15:59:15 UTC
I know. The more I think about it, the more I think "Thank you, God"

If it helps, think of a co-op like a carpool - but with buying stuff.

Just like with a carpool you save time and money and energy and space by putting several people in one car for one trip instead of in a bunch of cars for a bunch of trips.

This co-op is, we all have to buy a certain amount of produce anyway. Why should we each pay $1-2 for just one head of lettuce when we can buy a whole BOX of lettuce and split it up and get two or three heads for less than $0.50 each?


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r_a_l_i_g_h July 18 2007, 16:03:12 UTC
Well, I think what I actually did was *shut eyes, slightly slump head over steering wheel* "*small sigh-groan* - SHOOT"

But for the readibility/humor factor after "*shoop!*" I alternated "PHOO" for "SHOOT"

Artistic license.


maka2000 July 18 2007, 14:16:26 UTC
Whoa, you are indeed busy! I'm glad the tire blowout worked out so well. Wow.

Mmm, fruits.


r_a_l_i_g_h July 18 2007, 16:06:04 UTC
Odd thing is? I didn't even MENTION any of the actual work-based stuff which is what is truly time-and-energy-consuming (in the best possible way)

Speaking of ... I really ought to be doing some research - Hey! Can I pick your brain about graphics/design programs, etc, sometime in the near future? Are you available via IM or anything?


maka2000 July 19 2007, 17:28:54 UTC
I should be around tonight. Just drop me a comment if you're online, and I can launch AIM. Oo graphics programs eh? Fun!


r_a_l_i_g_h July 20 2007, 20:29:02 UTC
Sorry, I had a meeting from 7-9:30. And then I was wiped from the crazy week. Tonight maybe?

(Yeah, we're getting ready to make some purchases for the organization and are doing research into what to get.)


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r_a_l_i_g_h July 18 2007, 16:10:57 UTC
BEST part of summer, bar none is the watermelon, cherries, peaches, strawberries, plums, - and did I mention watermelon?

(Also corn-on-the-cob, squash, etc)

The more I think about the tire situation, the more thankful I am. Yeah, I should probably have checked it out when it was vibrating on me on the way back from Kansas - but then I would have been stuck, alone, in Miami (my-AM-ah) Oklahoma, trying to find a good reliable mechanic and figure out what to do.


carpedi7 July 18 2007, 15:45:52 UTC
Cars suck

Do miss you and sorry I haven't been commenty or online much, been really busy (mainly with the new boy, I will admit) but with work also. Trying to get a second job is taking up some time also. {{{{Huggles}}}


r_a_l_i_g_h July 18 2007, 16:14:26 UTC


I completely understand. I miss and have been thinking about you and keep telling myself I need to sign on and find out what's going on - and feeling guilty for not doing it.

Glad (it's a good thing right?) things are busy for you.

Sometimes it's good to not have time for the internet and have an enforced break for a while, you know?


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