Oct 10, 2010 11:34
Powers: Essentially, you can think of her power levels being comparable to the end of a particularly long RPG. She is way up there. She has SO MANY STATS you wouldn't even believe.
As mentioned in the app, she also sees by smelling colors! This generally doesn't give her any particularly special insight to things, but it is completely awesome
Possible Pings: Alien, Seer of Mind, skittles-flavored ESPer, JUSTICE!!1!, scales, dragons, canes, DRAGONS!!1!, being a furry on the internet
So, how evil?: Uuuuuuh, WELL she has a strong sense of justice, and punishing only the wicked. The thing is, her definition of "wicked" is flexible, and her sense of justifiable punishment is pretty extreme. I'D GIVE HER ABOUT A 6.5/10?
Perceptive Powers: See above RE: tasting the rainbow. I could go into this more, but it's not like it ACTUALLY makes sense, it's just awesome and you love it OK go
Can I mess with them/read their mind?: She is canonly very difficult to mind-control, especially if you are going straight at her mind directly from yours. If you happen to be a psychic dragon, talk to me, but probably not.
Can I kill them?: MMMMMMMMMMMAYBE, let's talk
Can I do something more specific, like shapeshift/body hijack/steal powers?: Yes, probably not, and sure because stealing her smelling powers would behilarious for all parties involved
Can I annoy them/earnestly attempt to interfere with their life?: HELLS TO THE YEAH, because that's pretty much ALL Terezi's ever gonna do
Can I attempt to malevolently harm their relationships or happiness?: Again, let's talk. The Trolls can take a lot of smacking around, but Terezi's really not for angst.
What about meta powers?: The narrative can be pretty meta, but the characters not so much. Well, OK. They're all very aware of the video game-like mechanics in play, but to them, it's all part of everyday life. It will seem weird that everyone else doesn't have a captchaloge deck
Anything else?: BLUH BLUH FL1GHTY BRO4D