Uncle Gregorius, Harry Potter, Lucius/Narcissa

Dec 14, 2010 00:49

Title: Uncle Gregorius
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Lucius/Narcissa
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Written for babydracky for adventchallenge using the prompt "first Christmas together".

Their first Christmas together was right after they'd gotten engaged. They spent it at Narcissa's family, because the Blacks had this thing about family and Christmas, and being invited was an honour Lucius couldn't say no to. Shouldn't say no to. Sure, he was quite the catch, but his family was nowhere as pure as hers. She knew that. They both knew that. Still, he was the best option there was, since she wasn't inclined to marry her cousins. And he was certainly better than Bella's fiance, that was for sure.

No, Lucius knew how to behave, how to carry himself, and he was gorgeous too. She was proud that he had been invited, it meant that they could go through with the marriage. Not that she had thought her parents would refuse, he was, after all, a catch, but still. He was even going to stay over! In a guestroom, for propriety's sake, but she was sure she could sneak him into her room after everyone else had gone to bed. If anyone noticed they would pretend to not have.

The day is spent in the company of way too many relatives, but that is the way it is. Lucius has every one of them charmed, and she feels herself relaxing as evening comes. That might also be the result of mulled wine, and the fact that a lot of people leave come evening.

They are sitting together on a sofa on the second floor, the rest of her family downstairs still. She's resting against him, and he has his arms around her.

"Did you see when uncle Gregorius dropped his false teeth?" she says, yawning. He chuckles.

"Yes. Why does he have those when he could get proper new teeth?" he asks.

"I have no idea. Something to do with tradition, I guess. He only has them at Christmas, he removes his regular teeth to replace with the false ones," she says, and she can't keep from laughing now. "I think he's gone a bit insane, but mum claims that he's always been like this." They both have to drown their laughter in their hands, so they can't be heard downstairs.

"Always knew your family was crazy," Lucius says fondly, curling a hand in her hair. He's always been fascinated with her long blonde locks, even though he himself has got a lot of hair in almost the same colour. She turns her head toward him, and he kisses her. She wants to take him to bed now, feels like she can't wait another minute. Looking at him all dressed up the entire day, and now sitting so close, it has suddenly made her desperate. She deepens the kiss and curls her fingers into his hair. She wants him naked, so badly. When they stop kissing she's panting, and he's not better off. They stay curled up close, not kissing, only breathing, until they hear steps on the stairs. Then she untangles herself, and they say goodnight to the family members coming up, then to each other, with an unspoken promise of 'later' hanging in the air. She can hardly wait.

harry potter, lucius malfoy/narcissa malfoy, advent 2010, fanfic

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