Fic: Parachutes

Jul 22, 2013 17:12

Title: Parachutes
Author: QWERTYfaced
Fandom: White Collar
Wordcount: ~5100
Rating: PG
Characters: Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke, Elizabeth Burke, Diana Berrigan, Clinton Jones
Genre: Gen, friendship
Notes: Written for a fic/art exchange with leesa_perrie on collarcorner's Comment-a-Thon 28, and inspired by her prompt and elrhiarhodan's wonderful Things Taken, Things Left Behind. (You ( Read more... )

character: diana berrigan, white collar, genre: genfic, character: neal caffrey, rating: pg, character: clinton jones, character: elizabeth burke, genre: drama, character: peter burke

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Comments 34

kanarek13 July 23 2013, 06:47:41 UTC
What an excellent story \o/ You certainly know where to look for inspiration :D :D :D

You've got everyone perfect down to the very last detail, Neal being off-balance without his bag, Peter not getting it at first, El being the voice of reason... and Moz ranting because, well, it's what he does :D :D

Loved the last part with Peter returning the bag :D I think it's another one of those things that no one has ever done for Neal before, a symbol that the friendship between the two of them - it's unique on so many levels :D


qwertyfaced July 24 2013, 07:34:22 UTC
Why, thank you! :)

Honestly, there are so many gifted writers posting on the LJ communities here that I just feel happy to be getting positive responses on my own little scribbles. But one of the things that makes me happiest is to hear that readers think that I kept mostly in-character.

The dynamic between Peter and Neal...well, my gosh, that's the subject that launched a thousand fics! It's so unusual, but so good; and it's a million times more compelling than the typical "will-they-or-won't-they" relationship.

I so very much appreciate your feedback, and the time you took to read and comment.


aragarna July 23 2013, 07:07:37 UTC
Oh this is very nice. :-)
You got all the characters spot-on. I pictured all the scenes in my head, as if happening on the show. Great job.
And I love the unspoken understanding from Peter that Neal needs his parachute.
Loooove them so much, longing for their return !! *sigh*


qwertyfaced July 24 2013, 07:37:28 UTC
Summer is hard for us TV junkies! The silver lining is that it's not a summer series, so we get MORE. :D We can't really ever see enough of the boys, but I suppose we must be grateful for what they give us.

It always means a lot to me when people say that they found the characterization more or less accurate.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. :)


treonb July 23 2013, 09:14:16 UTC
Wow, just wow! This is so beautiful! You've got the chars spot on, Neal not fully trusting Peter enough to tell him the real reason he had the bag, and Peter finally getting it in the end anyway, and Mozzie - *hearts*

I love your descriptions and the story itself is so touchingly amazing. Definitely one for reading and rereading!


qwertyfaced July 24 2013, 07:41:46 UTC
You are far too kind, thank you! When I blush, I look like a badly-made strawberry upside-down cake, or I swear I would.

Everyone has their own ideas of the characters, which is what makes this series such a rich mine for fic-writers, but I could picture all of these things happening. Neal is twitchy; Peter gets there in the end; El is phenomenal; and Moz is Moz. :D They all have their baggage, but they are a wonderful, dysfunctional, beautiful group.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment!


leesa_perrie July 23 2013, 11:48:13 UTC
Thank you sooo much!! This is great, I love it! I love the characterisations, so spot on, and I love the use of the quote in here too. I can imagine Neal having sleepless nights with his flight bag confiscated, and I'm so glad that El was able to steer Peter into understanding why he has one. Neal is always ready to run, no matter what. Doesn't mean he intends or wants to.

Excellent, thank you again! *hugs fic*


qwertyfaced July 24 2013, 07:43:33 UTC
Woohoo! Was very nervous here about whether or not this would hit your prompt-buttons. :)

Thank you for your feedback, and for an excellent, irresistible prompt!


embroiderama July 23 2013, 12:17:33 UTC
This feels so right for Neal--that he would need that escape hatch in order to feel comfortable staying--and it also makes sense that Peter wouldn't understand. It was good to see Peter figure it out in the end there, with kudos to El. :) It's a really great story all around.


qwertyfaced July 24 2013, 07:45:22 UTC
El is the glue, and the eternal voice of reason...which is why she is so universally adored, I suspect. :) Thank you so much for your feedback.


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