Title: With An "Uh", And An "Um" (Part 9 of ?)
Author: Kimmie
Fandom: Daria
Type: long fic, ongoing
Rating: PG-13 (so far)
Disclaimer: Daria was not written by me! I only wrote this fic.
Summary: A "What If?" What if Trent moved to Boston after the end of the canon timeline?
After getting their pizza, Trent smiled over at Daria. "I'm glad you did this. I know it probably won't happen all that often since you've got school most days, but it's nice that it's happening today."
Daria dug into the pizza first and pulled a slice over to her plate, deftly picking up a long strand of melted mozzarella and piling it on top of her slice. "I'm glad I could do this, too. It's kind of strange. When I was with Tom, I always felt kind of bothered to do things with him sometimes. But, you? I always seem to feel the need to tag along."
Trent took a slice of his own and bit into it deeply, wiping a sauce-laden corner of his mouth with a napkin shortly thereafter. "You don't need to feel the need to tag along with me. Just tell me you want me to go somewhere with you and I will, no questions asked. Well, unless I've gotta work, and then I'll just ask if it's important enough to you that I skip work."
"Thanks." Daria felt a grin raise the corners of her mouth and quickly smothered it with pizza. She chewed for a moment and swallowed before talking again. "I don't mean to keep comparing you to Tom, you know. But he was my first in, well, a lot of ways."
Trent set his half-eaten slice of pizza on his plate and gazed at Daria for a moment. "I don't mind, you know."
"Nah. 'Cause, so far, I've come out the winner every time. I feel like this is how it's supposed to be."
"So, then, I suppose you're looking forward to one-upping him in a few areas." Daria worried her bottom lip between her teeth for a moment while glancing at Trent over the rims of her glases.
Trent breathed a soft sigh as he looked at her and reached over to grasp her hand. "It's not about one-upping Tom or any other guy that's ever been anything to you. It's about being the best that I can be and making sure that it's enough for you."
"You are a walking romance novel sometimes, Trent." Daria laughed softly.
Trent blushed. "I've read a few. You know, just looking for inspiration for lyrics."
"And were the resulting lyrics fit for human consumption?"
"Hmm... not really. I guess you can't use something crappy for inspiration and just hope that you're gonna get some stroke of brilliance in there." Trent scratched at his cheek.
Daria squeezed Trent's hand and let go, returning both hands to her slice of pizza. "It depends on how you feel about it. If you were a really big fan of romance novels, then maybe the passion you had for them would come through in your writing and it wouldn't matter what you actually wrote, really."
"That makes sense, I guess." Trent returned to his pizza with fervor. As he finished off his crust, he took a long sip of soda. "So, I suppose I should make this kind of official. Daria, would you like to go on a date with me sometime?"
Surprised to feel her heart beat faster at the notion, Daria nodded quickly. "Yes. Maybe tonight?"
Trent rubbed a thumb against the small patch of hair on his chin. "Tonight, huh? Yeah. I think I can work with tonight. Do you have anything you'd like to do, or do you want me to surprise you?"
Daria groaned inwardly as she put voice to the strange idea in her mind. "We could find some place to look at the stars."
"Stars, huh? I think I can work with that." Trent nibbled at a piece of green pepper that had fallen off of his pizza.
Daria looked down at the crust of her pizza and decided that she'd had enough. She glanced at her watch and frowned. "We should get heading back soon."
Trent wiped his mouth with the napkin. "Yeah. I'd hate to come back late after they decided to give me more money for a job that's much cooler." He stood up and offered a hand to Daria. She took it and he helped her to her feet with the slightest to pulls. "And I don't have to clean any more bathrooms. I think that's my favorite part. Well, that and the free salami."
They held hands on the walk back to the store, and Daria got lost in thoughts of how she had hardly ever wanted to really touch Tom. She wanted to keep her mind off of the topic, but Trent didn't seem to mind, and he *was* right. Comparison between the two always seemed to end with Tom's failure. And it wasn't that Tom was a horrible person, but rather that Trent just managed to always be more in tune with her. She wasn't sure this relationship would last, either, but she could say that she was significantly less angry in the beginning which seemed to bode well for things to come.
When they got to the store, Daria pulled back on Trent's hand to make him pause. "There are a few things I need to pick up, so I'll say goodbye to you here." She stood on the balls of her feet and kissed him gently, wondering whether it might be worth it to invest in a pair of shoes with a bit of a platform, but the thought floated away as Trent slid an arm around her waist and deepened the kiss just enough to leave her breathless at its end. Trent smiled and waved to her as he walked into the store.
Daria took a deep breath and followed. She grabbed a hand basket and headed toward the candy aisle. In moments, she had two bright pink bags of Pixy Stix tucked in the basket. The ice cream was on the other side of the store, so she browsed a few aisles as she went, picking up a bottle of Ultra Cola and a package of blueberry muffin mix before she reached an aisle that gave her pause. She swallowed reflexively and walked down the aisle, pausing in front of the various kinds of condoms. Tom had been the one of take care of this before, so it was likely that Trent hadn't brought any with him. Whether anything happened tonight or not, it would be irresponsible not to have any kind of protection beyond pregnancy. And in that case, a back-up wouldn't hurt. There were three-packs of a few kinds, and she grabbed one of each. Her knowledge of what ridges and dimples and what-not actually helped with was practically nil, and she didn't know if there would be a size issue either, so four small packages were tucked next to the Pixy Stix. Daria took a deep breath and moved on.
There were roughly 200 kinds of ice cream in the giant freezer case when Daria got up to it. She wandered down the aisle comparing prices and brand names before settling on a two-for-one deal of a brand she and Jane both enjoyed. One carton of chocolate chip cookie dough went into the basket, followed by one carton of peanut butter and fudge ripple. She approached the front of the store and debated whether to chance her purchases with one of the cashiers or to wait in the line for the self-checkout. Deciding that melted ice cream would be worse than a hint of embarassment, she chose the line of a girl around her age and set down her basket.
"Hi! Did you find everything you needed today?" The girl grabbed her basket and smiled.
"Yes, thanks."
"And do you have your Food Hamlet Super Shopper card?" The girl held out her hand. Daria located a particular plastic fob from among the dozen or so hanging on her keychain and handed it to the girl whose nametag was blank. She scanned the fob and handed it back to Daria before continuing. "Ooo! I didn't know they made a peanut butter and fudge ripple flavor!"
Hoping the girl wouldn't comment on *all* of her purchases, Daria nodded and gave a half smile. "Yeah. It's pretty good. I go a step further and add caramel to it."
The girl groaned and her eyes rolled back in her head. "Now I'm going to have to try that. It sounds so good!" She continued scanning the items, not mentioning the other items, but giving Daria a knowing glance. "Hey, aren't you Trent's girlfriend?"
Daria sighed. "Yes."
"Oh, you're lucky. He's such a nice guy! And he's cute, too. But I'm sure you knew that."
Pulling her debit card from her wallet, Daria's smile grew a little bigger. "I had some idea of it."
Laughing, the seemingly nameless girl hit the total button and said, "Your total today is $18.19 and you saved $7.32 with your Super Shopper card. Will that be debit or credit?"
"Debit." Daria slid her card, followed the prompts, and put her card back in her wallet while the receipt printed.
The girl handed her a stack of papers and said, "Okay. Here's your receipt, your Fuel Rewards statement, and a few coupons. Thanks and have a great day!"
Daria grabbed her items which an older man wearing an apron had bagged for her and started to head back to the apartment. She glanced through the coupons quickly and felt her face heat up as she saw one for $5 off a particular lubricant that heated up. She hurried home, hoping that Tom was already gone.
End: Chapter 9.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 10 Part 11 Part 11b NC-17
Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17