Title: My Obsession. (Supernatural)
John Winchester/Azazel slash. Don't like, don't watch.
This vid was made for
quote_inspired community.
My Deadline Was: 11th November.
And my quote was:
"I've stopped trying to figure out people."
"Smart idea."
"I know." (CSI: Crime Scene Investigation)
Click to view
The first idea was for Azazel getting attracted to John, because of this obsession that drived Winchester. John is obsessed with Azazel and it intrigues the demon. It didn't really come out like that, but I thought I'll explain how the quote was supposed to be connected with the vid :D
Unfortunately I had to change a song and then I was brutally reminded that I suck at vid-making and, well... *shrugs* Still, I kinda like this vid. So I hope you'll too! :D
EDITED PS: There's sort of an after-credit-scene ^_^