quot's LJ stalker is spazzy_sazzy!spazzy_sazzy is stalking you because they have nothing better to do with their time. They are also in jail for murder!
my name is Jeffrey Mark Crough (pronouned crow, like the bird). the 'ough' is one of the worst sounds in the english language because it has 3 pronounciations. ie. dough-nut, thoughabred (sp?), and cough. The sound my name comes from is the dough one, except replace the 'd' with a 'cr'. lol, i'm blabling.
disco was, well everyone who was there knows how it was. um afterwards involved driving around recon - ing for future driving around trips
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Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim response As String response = MsgBox("Go to form 2?", vbYesNoCancel, "Practice") If response = vbYes Then Form2.Show ElseIf response = vbNo Then Form3.Show ElseIf response = vbCancel Then End If