Married to Another Quiz

Oct 09, 2009 11:16

Sometimes it seems as though Snape is always pulling Granger away from her Hogwarts leaving ceremony so they can get married.  The stories below show a more convoluted route to happiness.  In this quiz, Snape has been married or engaged to another woman prior to hooking up with Miss Granger.

And 25 house points to persevero for thinking up this theme and ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

flittterkat October 11 2009, 21:05:01 UTC
Yay, persevero for the quiz. I enjoyed re-reading the triangle stories and even found a couple I'd never heard of. Here's my answers:

1. Calling Card by bambu345

2. Bastard Incarnate by pigwidgeon37

3. The Love You Take by subvers

4. Marriage Vows by selened

5. At the Shore of the Heart by Neelix

6. Denial by little_beloved

7. Get a Life by camillo1978 (WIP)

8. The Triangle WIKTT Challenge by AprilGrey

9. All Strings Attached by MetaMuse

10. His Draught of Delicate Poison by subvers


morethansirius October 12 2009, 15:17:57 UTC
It was a great quiz, wasn't it? It's especially fun when the mods can play, too! You have a perfect score, my little know-it-all. Excellent work. Your name is in the drawing for this week's winner. Stand by for that announcement. Here's your high score banner.


SQUEEE!!!! morethansirius October 12 2009, 15:22:47 UTC
You won! You won! I will be contacting you shortly about this Friday's quiz! Congrats!

~Throws confetti.~


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