Dancing!Snape Quiz

May 25, 2007 08:46

Dancing!Snape Quiz

Well, I could feel her coming from a mile away
There was no use talking, there was nothing to say
When the band began to play and play

And we danced, like a wave on the ocean, romanced
We were liars in love and we danced
Swept away for a moment by chance
Yeah, we danced and danced and danced

Music and lyrics brought to you by The Hooters “And we Danced” a lovely tune from the 80s. It was playing endlessly in my head as I gathered together this quiz. May it infect you now as well.

The quiz is

Match the story to the quote.

Dances With Witches by Pearle

Against All Better Judgment by Aphrodeia

Dare to Dance by Shilodarke

Save The Last Dance For Me by Fayth

I Don’t Dance But Thank You For Asking by Melisande88

On The Clear Understanding That This Sort of Thing Can Happen by Deeble

Master of Enchantment by Subversa

Tequila Shots by Femmequixotic

Hermione Pulls It Off by Shiv

The Lioness Prophecies by amr

Phantom of Hogwarts by Good Witch (WIP)

So She Dances by Charmed Force

Dance with the Devil by Juliet (WIP? abandoned?)

1. They moved with a surprisingly natural rhythm together, considering they were not exactly fast friends to begin with.

The buzzer startled the two of them as they moved through the dance steps again. Hermione laughed as she said, “Well, it appears we've reached the end of our first lesson. You move very well, Professor. All those years of carrying cauldrons back and forth I assume?”

2. For a few terrifying minutes, they danced over the polished hardwood floor alone, and Hermione felt the eyes of the entire room fixed on them. She needed every ounce of grace and serenity that her charmed necklace gave her, and then suddenly, to her relief, they were surrounded by dancing couples. She let out her breath, and her professor snorted softly.

“Ah, Gryffindor courage. It’s very brave of you to dance with Hogwarts’ most feared professor, Miss Granger.”

“Or second most feared, sir.” She laughed softly. “I think you have some serious competition. After Septimius’s demonstration of his classroom manner, I shall find yours quite tame by comparison.”

3. He supposed it had been enough of a victory to put off her tantrum for as long as he had. He swallowed a judicious amount of gin and leaned forward slightly, making eye contact with her and holding her gaze fearlessly.

"You can ask me anything you would like to know," he stated calmly. "I will answer any question you have without evasion or prevarication."

Hermione, who was gathering her wrath for a tirade, was taken aback. Nonplussed, she opened her mouth to speak, when he held up one hand to stop her.

"But first, dance with me."

4. As they politely nodded to each other, Trelawney had finished with Justin, and everyone stifled their chuckles at Seamus’ stage whisper saying, “Go on Dean! She gave you a ruddy Christmas present, the least you can do is dance with her!”

Dean scowled at Seamus as he slunk forward, shaking his fist at his dorm-mate when Trelawney’s back was turned. Snape deftly guided Hermione away from the others and began reciting the instructions. She paid attention until she was comfortable with the steps, and then she glanced up at him worriedly.

“What’s wrong? You’re upset.” She gently squeezed his shoulder, willing him to look at her.

Snape glanced around furtively before muttering through set lips, “She said she could provide alibis for us!”

5. Snape’s eyebrow rose, and he looked her trembling form over from head to toe before asking in his low, soft voice, “Miss Granger? Were you going to ask something, or simply stare like a dimwit?”
Brought back to her senses by his words, Hermione gave herself a mental shake, and answered. “Uhm... Yes, sir, actually... I was going to ask... if perhaps you might... That is would you... Sir, would you like to dance?” There! The words were out! All he has to do is just look down his nose at you and refuse like you know he will. Then you will be free to return to your seat with no humiliation for your attempt to satisfy Ron’s dare.

The dark wizard looked at her and shook his head. “I am here in the capacity of chaperone, Miss Granger. And even if I were not, I don’t dance.” The barest hint of a smile touched his lips before he added, “But I do thank you for having the courage to ask.”

6. She was aware that the eyes of Gryffindor house had been on her all night, waiting for her to make her move. They had been disappointed.

As she covered the last few yards she was aware that Snape was watching her every move. Undaunted she stood before him and asked him to dance.

His eyes flickered to the clock and then back to her again. “Miss Granger, I expected to see you a little earlier in the evening. The time limit on the bet was midnight I believe?”

7. “Er … sir?”

He fixed Granger with a glare and set his voice to stun. “Putting aside for a moment the … impropriety of such a request,” he said, pausing to let that sink in, “I cannot conceive of a situation in which I would willingly let you inflict yourself upon me.”

Ah, there was the reaction he had been anticipating earlier. Her eyes went very wide; red blotches bloomed on her cheeks; a breath caught in her throat. She turned on her heel and fled.

8. He’s an excellent dancer, she thought as they made their way around their corner of the floor. It didn’t surprise her; nothing could possibly surprise her tonight. First the letter from Rome, and the odd conversation with Ginny, then the amiable discussion with Professor Snape just now…. it had all piqued her curiosity toward a man about whom she apparently knew very little. And now, dancing with him, she found herself wondering what she hoped to discover.

“So?” she asked a bit breathlessly after a turn. “Have you reached a conclusion?”

“You are… an acceptable dancer.”

She smirked. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

“Thank my mother for that.” Hermione cocked her head slightly in question. “No good pureblood wizard should be without such a social skill as ballroom dancing.”

9. As the song progressed, he pulled her closer to him until she rested her head against his chest and his own chin lay across the top of her head.

"When you are away from me, I would give anything to be close to you once more. And when you are here, how could I ask for more?" he whispered. "But I want more. I want it all. I've felt you calling me in the weeks you've been away, and I've seen you at all of these damn balls. But I can't keep on watching forever. I have to be here with you, dancing in the light."


"Give me another chance, Hermione. Come home to me," he pleaded.

10. "Why, thank you, Professor Snape, I'd love to dance." She dropped the faintest of curtseys, and he stared. Hermione took his hand and towed him onto the dance floor. They passed Trelawney, who stood frozen, thwarted, glaring at Hermione.

But oh, Merlin...as they arrived on the floor, the relatively cheerful music that had been playing made way for a gentle ballad, and the pace of the dance went from peppy to slow. Snape appeared to decide to make the best of a bad situation, and took firm hold of Hermione, left hand at her waist, the other taking her own left hand, in a formal ballroom stance.

"You do dance. Someone's taught you," she accused gently.

"But apparently no one has taught you," he pointed out. "Do stand properly, as I am doing. Your right hand belongs at my waist, similar to my left hand at yours. A slow box step, Miss Granger. That's twice you've trod on my foot."
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