The 300th SSHG Quiz!

Oct 04, 2013 12:55

The SSHG Quiz seems like it's been posting forever, right? Well almost. Today's quiz is the 300th SSHG Quiz posted! It seems appropriate to celebrate both SSHG artists and authors for this special quiz. Come join us in the gallery and drool over gorgeous works of art and the SSHG stories that inspired them.

(Be aware that there is some nudity involved. Consider this quiz Not Safe For Work!)

Quiz Mistress Note:
A few of the images have been slightly altered to remove story titles. Our apologies to the artists of those works. The complete images will appear in the Answers Post on Monday linked to their original online postings.

Want to give Hermione a run for her money in the know-it-all field? Simply play the quiz by commenting on this post with your answers at any time over the weekend. All comments with answers will be screened until the answer sheet is posted on Monday morning EDT. On Monday, all quizzlings with the correct answers will receive a pretty banner to prove their quiz prowess. Ready? Set? Play!

The Artwork:

Click on the image to see the full size version.

1. Artwork by talesofsnape

2. Artwork by beaweasley2

3. Artwork by _odella_

4. Artwork by ferporcel

5. Artwork by opaljade

6. Artwork by sixpence_jones

7. Artwork by bylby

8. Artwork by tinytexans

9. Artwork by serpenscript

10. Artwork by toffeeliz

11. Artwork by camillo1978

12. Artwork by nejna

Match the illustrations above to the stories that inspired them.

The Stories:

King of Swords by shefa

The Flesh Menagerie by absolute_tash

All You Need is Love by hogwarts_91

Advice to a New Husband by tonksinger

Cinnamon and Coal by atsuki_hime

Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra by teaoli WIP

Passion's Promise by luvsev (SS/HG/BW)

The Beginner's Guide to Breeding Peacocks by shiv5468 (SS/HG/LM)

Transfiguration of the Heart by losille2000

The Fairy Lantern by magalena aka madeleone

A Price Beyond Rubies by delphipsmith

A Good Morning by keladry_lupin

Come back on Monday to check your answers!

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