Quiz #2 MLC

Apr 13, 2007 11:26

Turns out making up these Quizzes is fun! So I present you with Quiz #2 a week ahead of schedule. I assume people besides me enjoy reading the Marriage Law Challenge stories. A guilty pleasure indeed!

The quiz is

Match the story to the quote. Each story is used only once.

Tyger! Tyger! By Blood cult of freud

A Match Made by Law by LariLee

A Law To Herself by Shiv (WIP)

Once More, With Feeling By Ramos

Married Alive by Azazello

The Panther and The Lioness by Valenque

Surrender by Dyrad

You Cant Have One Without The Other by RachelW (WIP)

Marry A Choice by Avery

Marriage Vows by Selened

1. “Professor, by marrying me you would be giving up the right to marry a woman you truly love in the future. I’m scared you’ll be getting a poor bargain.”

“Hermione I have married and loved before. In the eighteen years since my wife died I have had no inclination to form another attachment. I do not think I will ever have that inclination. You will be getting a shadow of the man I could have been. You are young, fresh, beautiful and powerful. Any wizard should be proud to win you. This law is a disgrace. You should have had your choice of men and made up your mind at your leisure. Instead you are forced to make a rushed decision to preserve your life. Understand me you do not want to fall into Lucius Malfoy’s hands.”

2. “I can’t do this anymore. The thought kept running through her head like a mantra. She was drinking some of Severus’ fine brandy. He’d caught her like this before, muttering something about silly romantic girls, and their fits of the sulks. She choked, knowing there was no escape, no happiness waiting for her.

Her husband was a potions master after all. A simple dreamless sleep draught. An extra added ingredient. She mixed it with the brandy.

The herbal honey flavor nipped at her tongue. She closed her eyes, and sank into oblivion.”

3. “Snape's eyes narrowed at her tone and he stood up to loom menacingly over her. "The test is a failure because, although it might tell you whether you can live with the person in relative harmony, it does not tell you whether you will get what you really want from the relationship. I suspect that lack is due to your inability to figure out what it is you actually want from a man."

"Do you really think me a fool, Professor? I know what I want, and I compiled that information and wrote the test accordingly. I didn't write it based on a few inane quizzes in some trashy magazine!"

"Oh, and what do you want from a relationship?"
"I'm disappointed in you, Professor. If you can't figure out the answer to that simple question when all the information has been provided, then you aren't as clever as you are said to be. I'm shocked."

4. “Snape needed to build memories. Memories of him forcing her into submission. Memories he could bring out for the Dark Lord to see. For Severus had no doubt that the Dark Lord would be quite interested in seeing how successful Severus was at bending this particular witch to his will. For the Phaeo Chaerus spell to work she would need to submit to him completely. Others would use physical force, but Severus was a master of psychological manipulation. He would convince the Dark Lord that his was the best method to bring Hermione's powers into focus for the ritual. Without the beatings and torture she would face at the hands of others, her power would remain undiluted and focused enough for the Dark Lord to draw an enormous amount of magical energy from her.”

5. “I have a book to show you,” he said, smirking as he rose from his chair and crossed the room. He didn’t even bother to scan the titles; his hand knew exactly what he was looking for and where it was. He selected a tome from the shelf and brought it to her, tossing it into her lap. “Here is a book you would likely not have seen; take a look,” he invited.

She looked at the book, the exterior was unassuming…a rather large book with a worn leather cover, but no title. So, never being one to be afraid of a simple book, she opened it and looked at the first page and gasped. Snape watched her as the colour drained from her face and she looked up at him, finally with a hint of fear in her eyes. ‘Yes,’ he thought, ‘this should scare her off.’

If Albus Dumbledore knew what he preferred, he would have never let the prize student of Gryffindor even consider him. He wouldn’t be as bad as Lucius Malfoy or the senior Gregory Goyle…she would live, he wouldn’t actually seriously harm her…but she would likely be quite sore, quite often.”

6. “Instead of his normal calm, collected greeting, Severus Snape flung himself onto the end of the sofa, nearly sitting on her feet. He groped for her free hand and leaned in, desperation evident in the lines of his shoulders. “Hermione. You’ve got to help me. You’re my last hope.”
Fumbling a stray sales slip into the book to mark her place, Hermione gave her ex-husband a look of perplexed fondness. “What on earth has Dumbledore done to you now?”
“Merlin’s knickers, I wish it were Albus. At least him I could tell to bugger off. It’s my father.”
Her brow wrinkled. “Severus, your father’s dead.”
“I know the old bastard’s dead, woman. You helped me toast his ashes. But he’s managed one last salvo at ruining my life, and he may very well have done it this time.”
“How?” she asked, laying the book on the floor amongst several others that had accumulated there. “I thought you hadn’t even spoken to him but once or twice these last few years.”
“The Ministry’s marriage law,” he stated baldly.

7. “The more she considered the idea of marrying Snape, the more it appealed. She couldn’t be accused of ruining his life by marrying him - he hadn’t got one to ruin, let’s face it. It wouldn’t blight his career, assuming that Dumbledore didn’t sulk too much, and how likely was it that he would sulk when he seemed to be issuing proposals like lottery tickets, only without a winning prize. Judging from Snape’s attitude towards his classes, he didn’t like children, so if she never succumbed to maternal urges, he wouldn’t be too disappointed, and if she did have a child, he wouldn’t be interested in raising it. Both Fudge and Malfoy were frightened of him, and whilst Fudge didn’t worry her, she wouldn’t put it past Malfoy to do something nasty to her if she rejected his son.

Above all, she could rely on him not to sacrifice his own happiness for the sake of hers. He wasn’t a Gryffindor, thank you very much, and not given to self-sacrifice and other heroics. He wouldn’t think twice about rejecting her proposal if it didn’t suit him to be married. All she had to do was convince him that marriage to her would involve nothing more than fifteen minutes in a register office, the use of his name, and, presumably, about three minutes to consummate the marriage. It was not anything extraordinary.”

8. “Things like this happened all the time.

She had a baby. People did that; they had babies. Sometimes it was a joyous event and sometimes it wasn't.

Sometimes, when the moment arrived, no one could manage to find the father and then they went on not managing to find him for three entire days.

That was her problem.

She knew, in a way she couldn't imagine knowing before, that he was fine. Not killed by a former friend. Not attacked by Dementors. No, Severus Snape was fine. The man who had faced death and worse from Voldemort without flinching had run away from a nineteen-year-old girl and her baby.

His baby.”

9. “And her new husband continued to use her night after night; he told her he wanted children; she would be a good mother; she was healthy breeding stock. That was what the Wizarding World wanted.

Healthy breeding stock.

Then she'd become unhealthy breeding stock. If she couldn't get this vile law that made her lie night after night underneath a man who disgusted her, then she'd wreck their plans for her another way.

So she stopped eating.”

10. “What family wouldn’t be up to a bribe or two to ensure a good match or find a loophole to save the future of their children?

As an added bonus, he finally was getting back at Severus Snape who cut into his bribes several years earlier by showing him his Dark Mark and proving Voldemort was back. Fudge had listened to the man’s rants and barely veiled threats last week when the dark wizard burst into his office and demanded the law be stopped or his name be removed from the rolls.

For a while after Snape’s visit, Fudge had been actually frightened. No, not of Snape so much as it was fear of watching all those lovely future bribes suddenly vanish. It had taken hours to decide the best thing to do was increase his own security and use Snape as a threat to those Muggle-borns and half-bloods.

He sipped his Firewhisky and laughed to himself. Fudge could imagine how many of the lesser blooded witches would scramble to sell everything they owned, including their own bodies, to keep from marrying their feared ex-Potions master, the greasy git, the Dungeon bat.

And then today, that infuriating Miss Granger had stormed his office.”
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