a musical interlude

Oct 08, 2003 15:48

  • EDIT 18 MARCH 2024: In case you came here from a post by oimoi.bsky.social, just confirming that that is also me and verifying for myself that I can still log into this when I need to.
  • EDIT 29 JANUARY 2023: I thought this would be my legacy, but my "Unpronounceable Fantasy Name Generator" on Tumblr is now at 22K+ notes.
  • EDIT 12 MARCH 2022: I don't come here so often anymore. This old post is mirrored on Dreamwidth; if you feel inspired to comment, please do so there.

  • ORIGINAL POST: As recently requested by mishak, and in honor of his impending natal day, I have translated into rough Latin an extensive fragment of a much longer popular song. While providing a literal interlinear translation back into English for the benefit of Latin-less readers, I have, regrettably, made no attempt at rhyme or meter; alert readers will also notice that by avoiding translating the entire song, I have not only allowed myself more time for other work, but I have also neatly skipped several lines in the second half which are not easily susceptible to translation.

    I welcome constructive comments on the Latinity.

    De clunibus magnis amandis oratio
    Mixaloti equitis

    (By Hercules!)
    Rebecca, ecce! tantae clunes isti sunt!
    (Rebecca, behold! Such large buttocks she has!)

    amica esse videtur istorum hominum rhythmicorum.
    (She appears to be a girlfriend of one of those rhythmic-oration people.)
    sed, ut scis,
    (But, as you know)
    quis homines huiusmodi intellegere potest?
    (Who can understand persons of this sort?)
    colloquuntur equidem cum ista eo tantum, quod scortum perfectum esse videtur.
    (Verily, they converse with her for this reason only, namely, that she appears to be a complete whore.)
    clunes, aio, maiores esse!
    (Her buttocks, I say, are rather large!)
    nec possum credere quam rotondae sint.
    (Nor am I able to believe how round they are.)
    en! quam exstant! nonne piget te earum?
    (Lo! How they stand forth! Do they not disgust you?)
    ecce mulier Aethiops!
    (Behold the black woman!)

    magnae clunes mihi placent, nec possum de hac re mentiri.
    (Large buttocks are pleasing to me, nor am I able to lie concerning this matter.)
    quis enim, consortes mei, non fateatur,
    (For who, colleagues, would not admit,)
    cum puella incedit minore medio corpore
    (Whenever a girl comes by with a rather small middle part of the body)
    sub quo manifestus globus, inflammare animos
    (Beneath which is an obvious spherical mass, that it inflames the spirits)
    virtute praestare ut velitis, notantes bracas eius
    (So that you want to be conspicuous for manly virtue, noticing her breeches)
    clunibus profunde fartas(*1) esse
    (Have been deeply stuffed with buttock?)
    a! captus sum, nec desinere intueri possum.
    (Alas! I am captured, nor am I able to desist from gazing.)
    o dominola mea, volo tecum congredi
    (My dear lady, I want to come together with you)
    pingereque picturam tui.
    (And make a picture of you.)
    familiares mei me monebant
    (My companions were trying to warn me)
    sed clunes istae libidinem in me concitant.
    (But those buttocks of yours arouse lust in me.)
    o! cutis rugosa glabraque! (*2)
    (O skin wrinkled and smooth!)
    dixistine te in meum vehiculum intrare velle?
    (Did you say you wish to enter my vehicle?)
    in arbitrio tuo totus veni
    (I am entirely at your disposal)
    quia non es mediocris adsecula.
    (Because you are not an average hanger-on.)
    vidi illam saltantem.(*3)
    (I have seen her dancing.)
    obliviscere igitur blanditiarum! (*3a)
    (Forget, therefore, about blandishments!)
    tantus sudor! tantus umor!
    (Such sweat! Such moisture!)
    vehor quasi in curru quadrigarum! (*4)
    (I am borne along as if by a four-horse chariot!)
    taedet me in diurnis legendi
    (I am tired of reading in the gazettes)
    planas clunes gratiores iudicari.
    (That flat buttocks are judged more pleasing.)
    rogate quoslibet Aethiopes: responsum erit
    (Ask any black men you wish: the answer will be)
    se libentius expletiores (*5) anteponere.
    (Rather that they prefer fuller ones.)
    o consortes (quid est?) o consortes (quid est?)
    (O colleagues [What is it?] O colleagues [What is it?])
    habent amicae vestrae magnas clunes? (certe habent!)
    (Do your girlfriends have large buttocks? [They certainly have!])
    hortamini igitur ut eas quatiant (ut quatiant!)
    (Encourage them therefore to shake them! [To shake them!])
    ut quatiant! (ut quatiant!)
    (To shake them! [To shake them!)
    ut quatiant illas clunes sanas!
    (To shake those healthy buttocks!)
    domina mea exstat a tergo! (*6)
    (My mistress stands out behind!)


    (*1) Any apparent connection with flatulence, even in this context, is purely coincidental.
    (*2) The original doesn't make much sense either. Is it a cellulite reference? -- ADDENDUM Nov. 14, 2003: The reading of the text here is a problem which has much exercised the scholarly community, with attempts to explain "rumpled smooth skin," or to suggest that it is a pun (a lame one, if you ask me) on Rumplestiltskin. The likeliest reading is "rub her smooth skin" (cutem glabram eius tere [or terere volo]). Now, there are ten pages of comments below, and a great many of them are devoted to this matter. Please familiarize yourself with the status quaestionis before making your own contribution. -- UPDATE 12/9/03: a reader tells us that Sir Mixalot's official site confirms the lyrics "rub all of that smooth skin." I am therefore willing to declare the matter solved, and wish to hear no more of it. Thank you.
    (*3) Or saltare?
    (*3a) I can find no obvious Latin expression that implies "romantic courtship." -- ADDENDUM 10/14/03: Amores has been suggested, but that can also be used for purely sexual liaisons, which is clearly the goal here, and so not to be thus dismissed.
    (*4)All right, how would you say "got it goin' like a Turbo 'Vette"? And what exactly is "goin'" here? I have chosen to understand that the unnamed woman's extraordinary callipygy has inspired a primal response in the narrator, rather than that she "has got it goin' on," i.e., that she "is all that" -- although the later lines (not included here) concerning Fonda's Honda and the speaker's anaconda can, ultimately, be invoked in support of either interpretation. -- ADDENDUM 10/24/03: I have heard from several readers that the music video suggests that this line should rather be interpreted along the lines of "she shakes her posterior most vigorously."
    (*5) Or uberiores? Although that's perhaps better reserved for a different fetish.
    (*6) This line is not as succinct as the original, to be sure. -- ADDENDUM 10/24/03: I wish I'd said puella here, as domina suggests a power relationship different from the English original.

    UPDATE, later that same day:
    Thanks to Nepenthe for pointing out that the lyrics link I had up here (to letssingit.com, which avoid) led to multiple pop-ups that install software without informing you. I've found one that seems to be pop-up free: but then my browser didn't respond to the other ones, either.

    (This means, of course, that I translated a different transcription of the lyrics, and it might not match. Yeah, that's a good explanation.)

    Thanks to everyone for the positive feedback, which has been overwhelming.

    UPDATE 10/13/03:

    For the rest of the song, see ukelele's version here.

    UPDATE 10/15/03:

    Thanks again to everyone who has expressed approval, admiration, and/or promised sexual gratification; you're all very kind. I note that my "friend of" list has nearly doubled, and this is wicked cool, although I can't promise I'll have a chance to add you back immediately, as I like to read over other journals before adding them, and this takes time, and if your journal consists mainly of quiz results or Powerpuff Girls slash, I will probably pass; sorry. The above translation probably makes it seem as though I have an endless supply of time, to be sure, but sadly, it is not so. This also means that if you've added my journal in hopes for more of this sort of thing, it may be something of a wait, and you're more likely to get "this weekend I studied for a bit and then I watched a movie and it was okay."

    NEW! mishak, whose probably-not-serious request led to this whole thing, decided he wanted a t-shirt out of this. You can get one too on his Cafe Shop here.


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