It can't be that easy

Nov 14, 2023 20:53

I found something the other day. My youtube autoplayed (a thing I hate it doing, I'd thought I'd turned it off) and across my headphones came Inzo "Overthinker" which features some spoken words in the song, a partial speech from Alan Watts. I've heard the name in passing, (and of course, heard about the Alan Watts Project), but being as my young ( Read more... )

#39;t have a nipple, dealing with the crazy, social quandaries and wanderings

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Comments 2

matrixmann November 15 2023, 10:02:17 UTC
As I keep saying and telling people who want to portray death quite harmless: "Dying (the process of dying) hurts.".
It's quite simple, but effective. Especially it contains no morals.
And I think, it applies for most people in the end, even if they state before that they want to die and that dying "is okay".
Facing the process of it, they realize it's not like closing your eyes wilfully and never waking up again after that...

(Sorry, if I can't bring anything to cheer up in that issue...)


howlin_wolf_66 November 15 2023, 13:06:13 UTC
I don't think it's bad to die if you're happy with the life you lived beforehand, and if not... well, there's still time to change that.


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