Arrow, "Soon" Oliver/Felicity, rated PG

Apr 17, 2013 00:26

Fandom: Arrow
Title: Soon (1/1)
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing: Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, Diggle, Oliver/Felicity
Word Count: 1,517
Spoilers: up to current episodes of Season 1
Notes: Written for #40 - Casting Eyes, for 100-fairytales. This will not be continued.

Other Links: AO3 | FFnet | Dreamwidth

Summary: Oliver knows there is a line ( Read more... )

oliver queen, arrow, 100_fairytales, felicity smoak, felicity/oliver

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Comments 8

daria234 April 18 2013, 04:11:09 UTC
The relationship and character development were really lovely here. I love how it's a slow build that respects their real difficulties that they would have, but still acknowledges the level of mutual trust and knowing that they can't deny.


quirkysmuse April 18 2013, 13:35:00 UTC
Thanks so much!


revengerv April 29 2013, 13:42:04 UTC
Very beautiful fic. Thank you for it. I like how you describe feelings.


quirkysmuse April 29 2013, 13:43:36 UTC
Thank you so much for reading!


xfirefly9x May 2 2013, 15:34:29 UTC
Beautiful. Love this. :)


quirkysmuse May 2 2013, 17:06:54 UTC
Thank you!


flareonfury May 7 2013, 22:49:26 UTC
Loved this ♥ I'm so glad you like this pairing as well. ♥


quirkysmuse May 8 2013, 02:38:07 UTC
Thank you!
I'm quite obsessed with them right now, lol.


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