Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Fate, Death & Rebirth (1/?)
Chapter Title: Fate of Dreamers
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Kagome/Inuyasha, Kagome/Sesshoumaru
Word Count: 2,595
Rating: M
Genre: Romance/Drama/Paranormal
Warnings: Divergent Canon, character death (sorry!), rebirth, strangeness
Spoilers: End of the series
Notes: Written very last
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Comments 4
I believe I asked for no unnecessary death in my stocking ;) and this was certainly not unnecessary, if it was, indeed, her fate to end up with Sesshoumaru in the end. He even warned her that she would die - that she'd have to die - in order to fulfill this destiny. So you definitely didn't bomb out there.
WOW!! I could go on (and probably will, when I have the chance to sit down with this and take my time to read it again), but I wanted to assure you that you totally blew me out of the water with this, in a good way! ;)
Yes, it does need some polish. You basically got the idea I ran with but I'm glad you're liking the concept. I didn't think it could be anymore than this, but it just kept growing, and you know how that is.
But yay! I'm glad you're liking it.
Best of luck that this doesn't turn into another unfinishable epic as my crazy ideas seem to do :P
I'm not sure it could ever become an epic :/ but I'm definitely writing a sequel.
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