Heroes, "Detour" Lydia, Hesam | rated G

Feb 28, 2012 22:02

Fandom: Heroes
Title: Detour
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,252
Characters/Pairings: Lydia, Hesam, mention of Samuel, Amanda, Eli, Edgar and Peter, Edgar/Lydia implied, Santiago (minor)
Spoilers/Warnings: Season 4. No spoilers.
Notes: Written for the "Missing Scenes Ficathon" at heroes-faves for my Lydia claim. Missing scene takes place in "Close ( Read more... )

heroes, minor characters, samuel, lydia, peter, lydia/edgar

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Comments 7

game_byrd February 29 2012, 13:26:40 UTC
Fascinating to see the characters meet up. This was a nice glimpse into the life of the non-main characters. I wish Lydia had more screen time in the show! Thanks for sharing.


quirkysmuse February 29 2012, 14:33:17 UTC
Thanks for reading! I love writing about minor characters, and Lydia is especially my favorite.

(Though often times I have to rewatch the show to revive my knowledge of them since it's been awhile - :P)


game_byrd February 29 2012, 14:35:13 UTC
I know what you mean. We have a super-active rewatch party on my LJ on Sundays, if you're ever free. Right now we're just starting the season three volume "Fugitives".


quirkysmuse February 29 2012, 15:49:53 UTC
I keep wanting to join into that re-watch party but my weekends always tend to slip by me. Hopefully one of these days I can! Especially if you're in Fugitives which was one of my favorite chapters.


rtwofan March 1 2012, 03:17:51 UTC
Okay, I should be studying physics, but omg, you wrote that Hesam and Lydia you mentioned a few weeks ago, and I had to stop by. I miss Lydia a lot, and love her personality in this. The conclusion that she comes to in the end is quite nice too - that Peter is almost too good for the carnival, is certainly interesting and I kind of wish they'd snuck that into the show. Anyway, nice deleted scene, definetly :D


quirkysmuse March 1 2012, 04:05:09 UTC
Thank you so much for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Haha, even if you had to take a break from physics. :3


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quirkysmuse March 2 2012, 11:15:52 UTC
Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed my story.

You know, I almost forgot about that comm. I could probably get to posting this over there this weekend, but if you'd like to plug it, go for it! I'm very flattered by it.


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