Thor, "Mischief and Tasers" Final Author Notes

Feb 26, 2012 17:00

Fandom: Thor (movie-verse)
Title: Mischief and Tasers
Parts: 27 total
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: Mature
Characters/Pairings: Loki, Darcy, Loki/Darcy, Jane, Thor, Coulson
Spoilers/Warnings: post-Thor movie, some Avengers movie spoilers, some bad language, some violence, sexual situations, and implied non-con

Other URLS: AO3 | FFnet | Google Docs

Summary: Loki takes a strange interest in Darcy. Neither one is safe. Serialization. Loki x Darcy, Jane x Thor. COMPLETE.

Start at Part One!

Date Started: 5-27-11
Date Finished: 2-26-12
Total Word Count (according to FFnet): 55,336

Other Notes: This story was originally planned on being something fun, quirky and seductive between Darcy and Loki from the movie Thor, and suddenly it grew into this larger story that I couldn't stop. In the beginning when I started this story, there were barely ANY Loki/Darcy stories in the fandom, and I had just been joking around with a few online friends on what would happen if Loki and Darcy had met, and how their chemistry would take shape. When I saw pictures of Kat Dennings and Tom Hiddleston at an event together, the plot bunny couldn't be stopped.

I also felt this story was going to have shorter snippets here and there, whimsical little related events that could slowly bring these two together. Suddenly, other people seemed intrigued by this ridiculous, fanon pairing and the story went in a new direction. I finally decided after part seven or so that this story would be an alternate tie in to the Avengers 2012 movie. I read a lot of spoilers for inspiration, and then crafted an outline.

Another thing that I wanted from this story is to play on Darcy's point of view mostly, with only a few small pieces from Loki's end. I wanted to craft something that showed Darcy's first meeting from Loki and then her growing perception of him as the story progressed. It wasn't so much about Loki's plans and his animosity toward his brother, but rather I wanted to see how she affected him, or how Darcy wiggled her way into Loki's life. Above all, Darcy had to be the focus. There are a lot of great stories out there that really focus on Loki, and I wanted it to be Darcy's story more than his.

I am deeply grateful and humbled by the attention I received for this story. People have told me I've been recommended on Tumblr, and I've even gotten some art pieces for scenes from my story from the lovely sendhimaway. I encourage you to visit her journal, her DeviantArt account, and her tumblr account to see her beautiful art.

(sendhimaway recently gave me permission to display this here. Isn't it beautiful?)

Thank you again for all the support of this story. It's amazing how popular and strong the following for Loki/Darcy has become. And to think, after the movie came out, it was a fandom pairing completely created out of thin air! Isn't that wonderful? Those are the best kinds.


loki, loki/darcy, the avengers, mischief and tasers, darcy, completed fics, thor

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