Heroes, "Caretakers" Peter, Claire, Sylar || rated PG

Feb 17, 2012 05:27

Fandom: Heroes
Title: Caretakers
Author: Paynesgrey
Rated: PG
Characters: Peter, Sylar, Claire, mention of Nathan
Genre: Angst/General
Word Count: 491
Warnings/Spoilers: Light violence. Post-season 4.
Notes: Written for the "Trouble" theme at heroes-contest.

Summary: Peter's life flashes before his eyes.

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heroes, peter, genfic, sylar, claire bennet

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Comments 4

1bill_sookie February 17 2012, 12:31:31 UTC
Love this, it's a great charcter study of Nathan and Peter's realtionship. I also love the appearence of Sylar and Claire. For some reason I can totally see this developing into a traid given time and the right condtions.


quirkysmuse February 17 2012, 13:56:56 UTC
Thank you for reading!


game_byrd February 18 2012, 15:59:39 UTC
What a neat idea - the three of them working together to be their own little hero team!

And Sylar's voice, "delicate" - that's an interesting way to put it and I agree that his voice becomes so different when he's not ... I dunno, being evil? When he's innocent, open and friendly, his voice is different than when he's Sylaring.

Arthur scaring the crap out of Peter is so fitting, too. He's a very intimidating guy.

Thanks so much for writing!


quirkysmuse February 18 2012, 17:24:36 UTC
Thanks very much for reading!


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