Thor, "Inter-dimensional Closet" Loki/Darcy; part 15 of "Mischief and Tasers"

Oct 17, 2011 20:26

Fandom: Thor (movie-verse)
Title: Inter-dimensional Closet
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Loki, Darcy, Loki/Darcy, Jane
Word Count: 1,981
Spoilers/Warnings: post-Thor movie, no warnings
Notes: Written for the "#18 - The bridge to the other world" prompt for 100_fairytales. Part 15 of my Mischief and Tasers Loki/Darcy serialization. The previous part is here. The first part is here.

Other URLS: AO3 | FFnet

Summary: Darcy returns home after work to find that Loki has taken over her closet.

Mischief and Tasers

Part Fifteen: Inter-dimensional Closet

Darcy was surprised she was able to wake up the next day after sleeping like the dead from the night before. She supposed the liquor that Loki supplied certainly didn’t help. At least she wasn’t really dead, or had grown an extra head.

You never did know with weird alcohol, and with what Loki had brought, Darcy was surprised she was still in one piece.

Before she headed to work on the site with Jane, Darcy rushed out of the house, already running late, and she noticed that Loki was not there. It wasn’t unusual; Loki had disappeared more as the days went by, and as Darcy rambled about the progress they were having at bringing Thor back, Loki seemed to say even less and was gone even longer periods of time. She wondered if it would be longer this time, especially since they had such a great time last night, and if there was one thing she knew about Loki, he didn’t like to have fun with humans, rather he liked to have fun at their expense.

She was thankful that he had picked up his crap at least, and her living room was in more than pristine condition than she’d left it before. Not a bad roommate, she thought, and for some smug reason, Darcy liked to think of Loki doing menial labor such as chores, but she knew he totally did a Harry Potter on the place to make it clean.

When she had locked up the apartment, she started remembering the night before, sad that only bits and pieces were clear, and the rest of their time together were more like hazy memories. She finally realized when she’d woken up in her own bed that morning that Loki must have carried her from the couch to her room, and despite who he was, Darcy felt touched by that.

There’s no way he’s going soft on me, she mused, though having a more sympathetic Loki may be a good thing, given the plans of world domination he’d been steadily putting into motion lately. He’d been positively giddy about some of the secretive things he’d been planning - Darcy had seen it on his face, even though he thought himself too clever to reveal any of it to her.

Work droned on that day, and Darcy didn’t know why she was anxious to get home; it wasn’t as if Loki would definitely be waiting for her anyway, but she admitted to the desire in seeing the Trickster god.

Gees, what’s wrong with me, she thought grimly. I must be stupid for getting my hopes up for him.

Sometimes Darcy had to remind herself that Loki had taken advantage of her, and he was the sole reason they were delayed in bringing back Thor; however, she couldn’t help but regard Loki’s slow progression in becoming more than just a stalker and unexpected roommate. After last night, was it possible for them to become friends?

“No way,” Darcy said aloud while she was on her break, and her thoughts consumed her while browsing her Facebook page, something she’d been showing little interest in lately while staying with Loki. It wasn’t as if she could snap pictures of him and put them on Facebook. She supposed his magic would prevent such things.

Still, she could at least try.

“No way?” Jane came up behind her, and Darcy almost jumped. She put a hand to her chest.

“Jesus, don’t sneak up on me like that,” Darcy said.

“Are you ok?” Jane asked, her eyes filled with concern.

“Yeah, just...have a hang over,” Darcy said, and Jane frowned at her. She looked over Darcy’s shoulder and noticed her Facebook page open.

“You miss your school friends?” Jane asked.

“Yeah, I mean, sometimes I still drive out on the weekends to see them. But lately, I haven’t because we’ve been so busy,” Darcy said, and Jane nodded.

“You know, you’re always welcome to come out with me and Erik to the bar.” Jane cocked her head. “You haven’t been coming out with us as much anymore. We thought you were dating someone instead.”

Darcy furrowed her brow. Jane knew that she was dating, but somehow, in the recent time, the thought and knowledge had escaped her. It was funny how Loki’s magic worked. She wondered if Coulsen had forgotten that it’d been one of his agents too, even though Loki was mad she let that slip and he had to cover his tracks.

“Uh, well, no, not recently. I mean, I had a friend come out for a visit this weekend,” Darcy admitted, and she couldn’t believe she was able to say it! She supposed it was vague enough, but if Jane was nosy enough, and Darcy knew she was, maybe she would ask more about him; even sneak by unannounced to find Loki there.

Darcy wished!

Jane smiled widely. “Oh really? A guy friend?” she asked teasingly.

“Yeah, but he’s totally not into me,” Darcy said sternly, and Jane noticed her tone. Her one eyebrow arched with amusement.

“Aw, what’s wrong with him? Is he handsome?” Jane asked, and Darcy was starting to feel a nervous ache in her stomach. Loki was more than handsome; he was gorgeous and Darcy hated to admit it when he’d been such a dick to her, but it was the truth. He wasn’t as ripped as Thor, but despite the black clothes he wore, Darcy could tell he was built well underneath them, and being a hot-blooded American girl, she’d wondered plenty of times what was under his clothes.

And well, he had been Agent Hill at one time, and with the way Darcy felt about him physically, she couldn’t just erase those feelings away.

“Yeah, which is why it’s impossible,” Darcy said. She waved her hand. “Let’s move on, okay? It’s really a complex situation. And if you really must know, he can kind of be a jerk to people, and it’s really hard to like him despite his looks.”

Jane nodded and frowned slightly. “I know how that goes.”

Darcy shook her head. “Well, soon you’ll have Thor back and everything will be great. You two can horizontal tango and make up for lost time.”

Jane tore away from her gaze and looked almost sad. “Yeah, let’s hope you’re right because some days I’m not so sure it’ll be okay, or if he’ll even still want me.”

Darcy watched her, and Jane smiled lightly before she set off back to her work. Darcy felt bad for Jane. She had no idea the woman was having doubts. Darcy thought if she had someone like Thor to wait for, she wouldn’t have any doubts at all.


After a long day at work on the site, Darcy sighed with exhaustion and dropped her things on her kitchen table when she got home. As expected, Loki was not around when she arrived, and though she probably would have enjoyed seeing him lounging on her couch reading old books, after her conversation with Jane, Darcy wondered if it was a good thing Loki wasn’t around.

She wouldn’t be able to stand herself she started getting attached to Loki and pined for him like the way Jane pined for Thor. At least Jane and Thor had a chance. Loki was certainly not dependable and his loyalty was questionable. He was the loner type too, and Darcy didn’t even want to think about how he regarded women.

The silence became eerie in her apartment, and Darcy quickly gathered up some snacks and parked in front of the TV, immediately turning it to Mob Wives.

“Yes,” she cheered lightly, but despite the distraction of the TV, there was still something strange about the way her apartment felt. It couldn’t be because Loki wasn’t there? No - Darcy knew it was something else.

Creepy! she thought, and her gaze stopped at the small closet door just before the front stoop in her living room. Usually, she didn’t even use that closet, maybe for some shoes and her winter coat, but it had never felt this weird before.

Had Loki put something sinister in there? Maybe something that would destroy the world and that was why it was giving off bad vibes?

“There better not be a ray-gun in there,” Darcy grumbled, and she jumped from the couch and headed over the closet. Her hand hesitantly reached out for the doorknob. The dark feeling putting her nerves on edge became worse.

“I wouldn’t go in there if I were you,” a voice said, startling her. Immediately, she took a swing at the voice, but Loki elegantly dodged the trajectory of her fist.

“JEES, you scared the crap out of me!” she yelled at him. “Don’t do that!”

“I was merely warning you for your own safety,” he said annoyed.

“What the hell did you put in my closet?” she asked, and inevitably, the Trickster smirked at her.

“Shit, this is bad, isn’t it?” she asked, ignoring his warning and opening the door out of curiosity.

“It’s not so much as 'what' as...” Loki began. Darcy opened the door and looked ahead, stunned.

“Oh my God! There’s a whole different world in here,” she exclaimed, looking at the vast garnet-colored darkness that rolled out before them. Darcy spotted a black stone walkway that led to circular room set off by some dull golden lights. Inside the lights was an ancient looking desk covered in books, candles, and various other items that Darcy couldn’t even begin to describe. Within the darkness that spanned around them, Darcy couldn’t see anything, and she shuddered wondering if the blackness would consume her, or if it hid monsters inside.

“I told you not to go in there,” Loki said in exasperation.

“What is this? Another dimension?” Darcy asked, and then it dawned on her. “Hey... you turned my closet into another dimension!”

“Technically, I connected your closet to another dimension, a place that will contain my things. Now you do not have to worry about me filling your apartment with my armor and devices,” Loki said, walking inside. Darcy hesitated as he strode ahead. He turned back to her, and she still didn’t know how she felt about this, or if she even wanted to come inside.

“Wow, that’s ...kind of cool, actually,” Darcy said, still impressed. She crossed her arms and peered at him. “Let me guess, you’re gathering stuff that’s too big to hide into my apartment.”

Loki did not nod, but he smiled at her. “You continue to be smarter than I’ve accredited you, Darcy.”

“It’s because you really don’t know me,” Darcy said with a snort. “Or you just don’t want to,” she said, and before he could respond, her attention turned to her left. “Hey, is that what I think it is?” She squinted in the darkness. “It is!”

“What are you seeing? You’re not supposed to see anything in this darkness,” Loki said with a frown.

“Well, I see it, and you have a motorcycle in your inter-dimensional closet, a very pimped-out sweet looking motorcycle at that,” Darcy said with a mischievous grin. “And that means one thing...”

“And what would that be?” Loki asked her.

“Now that I’ve seen your motorcycle, you must take me for a ride on it! After all, you’re using MY closet to store it - basically for free.” She grinned at him. “So what do you say? Gonna show me how fast this thing can go?”

Loki turned toward her, walking slowly before coming within inches of her face. Smugly, he looked down at her, meeting her challenge. In a low voice he replied, “As you wish, mortal, but I am warning you. I will take you on this ride, but you may not survive it.”

Part Sixteen

loki, loki/darcy, mischief and tasers, darcy, 100_fairytales, thor

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