Heroes, "It's Always the Quiet Ones" Bennet Family, rated PG

Oct 12, 2011 09:17

Fandom: Heroes
Title: It's Always the Quiet Ones
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters: Lyle, Claire, Sandra, Noah Bennet
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Spoilers/Warnings: No warnings. Takes place in Season 2.
Notes: Written for the "&%#!#@" prompt at gen_drabble.

That's what you have to say for yourself? )

heroes, sandra bennet, genfic, claire bennet, drabble, minor characters, noah/sandra, noah bennet

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Comments 2

luxken27 October 12 2011, 14:34:43 UTC
Aww, poor Lyle...I guess its not easy being the younger brother of the invincible cheerleader.

Great use of the prompt! =)


quirkysmuse October 12 2011, 14:35:46 UTC
Ha, it's kind of a running joke that poor Lyle is always overshadowed by Claire.


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