Being Human (SyFy) "A Moment to Dance" ensemble | rated G

Jul 22, 2011 13:48

Fandom: Being Human (SyFy)
Title: A Moment to Dance
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Sally, Aidan, Josh, Nora, implied Nora/Josh
Word Count: 2,167
Rated: G
Genre: Friendship/Humor
Warnings/Spoilers: No warnings. Spoilers for the end of Season 1.
Notes: Written for lotus0kid for her helpthesouth auction. Thank you to apckrfan for the beta and essentially saving my bacon ( Read more... )

being human, helpthesouth, nora, genfic, being human syfy, aidan, sally, josh

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Comments 6

garnet_words July 23 2011, 00:16:01 UTC
I really like this... such a nice little moment for them :)


quirkysmuse July 23 2011, 12:41:39 UTC
Thank you so much! :D


apckrfan July 23 2011, 11:35:00 UTC
You are one of maybe three people I'd sit through 12 episodes of a show non-stop for :D I'm glad I did, though, or else I would have missed out on reading this fic.

I really enjoy the way you captured Sally here, the guys too, but especially Sally's mood. I was really happy with her response to the events in the finale. It would have been very easy for her to get upset and be all pouty.

A nice moment for the group, for sure, well deserved after everything they'd gone through. And what's yet to come, no doubt.


quirkysmuse July 23 2011, 12:42:42 UTC
Thank you so much! For everything you've done. You really helped me out, and I'm really grateful you had time to watch this show to help me.

Thanks again!


lotus0kid July 23 2011, 23:36:11 UTC
Aww, very sweet. Your Nora and Josh rang very true too, so good work on that. Thanks so much!


quirkysmuse July 24 2011, 22:51:11 UTC
Thank you, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks again for your contribution to the auction. :D


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