Heroes, "Possession" Doyle/Meredith, rated PG

Aug 13, 2010 10:54

Fandom: Heroes
Title: Possession
Author: Paynesgrey
Genre: Introspective/Drama
Word Count: 341
Rated: PG
Characters/Pairings: Eric Doyle, one-sided Doyle/Meredith
Spoilers: early Season 3
Notes: Written for the "Seven Deadly Sins" theme at heroes_contest. I used both "lust" and "greed" here.

Summary: He believed they were meant for each other.

Maybe it was wrong, but he wanted her and had to have her. He felt that he deserved her. It had been fate the moment their eyes had met.

Nothing else about his miserable life seemed to matter. He didn’t care about the rules, or any type of decorum. They didn’t concern him, and they never will. He would be in control, just as always, and there was no way that Meredith Gordon would ever deny him.

He doubted she’d even try (not that much anyway). They were made for each other; they had similar tastes, similar paths. She walked into his life like she was meant to, and he’d make sure she’d never leave. He felt that someday soon she’d never want to.

The first time he held her with his power, she’d been surprised, frightened even, but he found her fear and disgust irrelevant. She would understand him, eventually. Even if he had to make her. Even if it took him years and years. To him it would feel like minutes. Teaching her was more than half of the fun.

It was harder every time to control her; naturally, she was feisty, but Doyle liked that and he wouldn’t be so interested in her if she was just like another one of his marionettes, lifeless and easy to move and mold. Meredith was hot-headed, independent, and sometimes Doyle felt she didn’t know what was best for her. She was confused, but he could show her.

He could change all of that, and then she’d smile at him. She kiss him and let him touch her smooth golden skin. She’d close her eyes and sigh as he’d weave his fingers in her soft hair.

Then, someday, he wouldn’t have to use his ability on her ever again. She’d learn, and he would condition her like the partner she was meant to be, perfectly shaped just for him.

But more than anything, she’d love him, and having to force her to accept him was only a minor setback - for now.

doyle/meredith, heroes, meredith, eric doyle

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