True Blood drabbles "Visiting Sookie" and "Like a Dog"

Jul 02, 2010 14:23

Fandom: True Blood
Title: Visiting Sookie
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Sam, Sookie
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Season 1
Notes: For "Run" at trueblood100

Summary: Sam visits his favorite place.

Visiting Sookie )

sookie, sam merlotte, godric, eric, sookie/sam, true blood

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Comments 2

alexia_drake July 3 2010, 02:14:40 UTC
Haha, the last one made me smile :D

I hope we'll see Godric in Eric's past again.


quirkysmuse July 3 2010, 12:26:43 UTC
thanks for reading!

Yes! I'd love to see more Godric. :)


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