Heroes, "Always Oblige" Lydia/Samuel, rated R

Jun 11, 2010 10:14

Fandom: Heroes
Title: Always Oblige
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Lydia/Samuel, implied Lydia/Edgar
Spoilers: Takes place around "Tabula Rasa" Season 4.
Warnings: Not sure how to warn for this, but there's some dubious psychological consent (because of Lydia's abilities).
Word Count: 1,212
Notes: Done for my A-Z meme at my ( Read more... )

heroes, samuel, lydia, lydia/edgar, lydia/samuel

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Comments 8

apckrfan June 11 2010, 15:23:47 UTC
Ah, loved this, very effectively descriptive, bringing me there and easily being able to visualize the scenario.

Thank you!


quirkysmuse June 11 2010, 15:24:49 UTC
Thanks for reading! Glad you liked it.



commen_sense June 11 2010, 16:39:20 UTC
I remember prompting this! ooh, this was lovely. I really adore your characterization of Lydia. Even Samuel, thats what makes reading your pieces so much fun. It's so in character and so well expressed, I love your use of words.

Great job bb, and thank you! :)

this makes me miss heroes even more... :(


quirkysmuse June 11 2010, 16:56:56 UTC
Haha, yeah, it's been awhile, but I'm trying to finally catch up with these prompts.

Thanks again. I'm glad you liked it.

Trust me when I write Heroes, I miss it so much too! :/


bitterfic June 11 2010, 17:18:16 UTC
I really liked this.


quirkysmuse June 11 2010, 18:31:42 UTC
Thank you!


eternal_moonie June 13 2010, 16:02:36 UTC
AWESOME story honey!!! You did great!!


quirkysmuse June 13 2010, 19:26:26 UTC
Thank you so much! :)


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