Inuyasha, "The Messenger" Kikyou, Naraku [rated PG]

Oct 20, 2009 09:13

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: The Messenger
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama/Angst
Characters: Naraku, Kikyou, Kanna and Kohaku
Word Count: 300
Spoilers: chapter 409
Notes: Written for the "Note/Letter" theme at iy_wiltedrose. Also used for the #34 "Child" theme for 30shards (One more prompt left!).

Summary: Kanna has a message for Kikyou from Naraku.

The Messenger )

kikyou, naraku, nar/kik, naraku/kikyou, 30shards, inuyasha

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Comments 4

landofthekwt October 20 2009, 14:49:29 UTC
Wonderfully dark vision of Naraku. Sending Kanna to deliver his message about Kohaku is so appropriate since she is almost a blank slate. Naraku does not realize what Kikyou is doing with Kohaku until he absorbs Moryomaru. I loved Kikyou's comment to Kohaku at the end of Volume 41 " If IY had killed Moryomaru you could have been saved." She does have empathy for Kohaku even though she needs to use him to kill Naraku.


quirkysmuse October 20 2009, 14:50:39 UTC


sunsingergirl October 21 2009, 17:41:30 UTC
Beautifully dark.


quirkysmuse October 21 2009, 19:04:13 UTC


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