Heroes, "Rise Above" Claire/Adam

Sep 25, 2008 14:56

Fandom: Heroes
Title: Rise Above
Characters/Pairings: Claire/Adam, implied Peter/Claire, Claire & some nameless guy, and Sylar/Claire if you squint
Rated: NC-17
Word Count: 3,512
Spoilers/Warnings: 3x02 "The Butterfly Effect". Sexual situations, references of S&M, physical violence, bad language
Notes: Takes place in the future. Thank you to rtwofan for ( Read more... )

claire/adam, heroes, peter/claire, adam/claire, adam monroe, claire, sylar/claire

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Comments 21

eternal_moonie September 25 2008, 20:41:27 UTC
OMG! I Loved this fanfic! It's awesome!!


quirkysmuse September 25 2008, 20:43:36 UTC
Thank you! :-)


holycitygirl September 25 2008, 20:54:01 UTC
That was awesome. :) Excellent exploration of what Claire could become in a life without pain. Your Adam is perfect too, that core beyond redemption stings the reader as well as Claire.

Thanks for sharing!


quirkysmuse September 25 2008, 20:57:50 UTC
Wow, thank you! Your comments mean a lot.


sicodelique September 25 2008, 21:50:32 UTC
I love this pairing!!!great fic :):):)


quirkysmuse September 25 2008, 23:11:04 UTC
Wow, thanks so much!


pcdarkrose September 26 2008, 06:20:27 UTC
Beautifully written. Wonderful insight of how Claire could turn to Adam after what happened recently.


quirkysmuse September 26 2008, 12:26:43 UTC
Thank you so much!


(The comment has been removed)

quirkysmuse September 26 2008, 15:51:07 UTC
Thank you so much!


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