Avatar, "Love is Like a Plague" Mai/Zuko, Ty Lee/Azula implied

Apr 29, 2008 10:29

Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Title: Love is Like a Plague
Characters/Pairings: Zuko/Mai, Azula/Ty Lee implied
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Humor/Romance/a bit of CRACK
Word Count: 1244
Spoilers/Warnings: some sexual innuendos, Spoilers up to "The Beach"
Notes: Just got a little inspiration for my thoughts on Mai/Zuko, which turned out kind of CRACK- ( Read more... )

avatar, zuko/mai, zuko, azula/ty lee, azula

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Comments 20

starvinbohemian April 29 2008, 16:22:55 UTC
Oh, this is genius in so many ways. :D


quirkysmuse April 29 2008, 16:33:37 UTC
Ha, thank you! ^_^


theskywasblue April 29 2008, 17:22:39 UTC
Oh lord, that was so funny it almost made me feel bad for Azula, having to put up with those two and Ty Lee at the same time (almost, but not quite)
Well done!


quirkysmuse April 29 2008, 17:28:53 UTC
Thank you!
Haha, this would be one of those ways Azula gets her comeuppance. ^^


schellibie April 29 2008, 20:03:24 UTC
Haha, this made me laugh out loud, it was great!


quirkysmuse April 29 2008, 20:12:04 UTC
Thank you! :o)


peri_peteia April 29 2008, 23:56:27 UTC
It is my firm belief that there should always, always be more fic about Azula being vaguely disgusted by Mai and Zuko's sexy shenanigans.


quirkysmuse April 30 2008, 00:24:36 UTC
*snicker* Oh yes, I do agree.
Thank you for the comment. :-)


honestly_sangi April 30 2008, 00:40:52 UTC
Haha, very very nice.


quirkysmuse April 30 2008, 04:32:59 UTC
Heh, thanks!


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