Since most of you are my friends on Facebook, so you know about Faith already. But I want to gush a little because HOLY SHIT, this dog has come a long way. But first, I'll answer the question in everyone's mind - "What the fuck happened to little Rex?"
Get the answer here... )
Comments 5
I'm sorry to hear Rex didn't work out for you, but it definitely sounds like you did what was best for Rex. And he stayed in the family which is even more awesome!
Faith's story is pretty amazing (aside from the nasty previous owner) and it does sound like she was meant to be. She sounds like she's come a really long way in a short time, and that's just awesome. Before you know it, you'll hardly remember life BF. (Before Faith.)
She's a beautiful girl and I can't wait to hear more about her and how she's progressing.
Congrats on Faith. She looks like an awesome dog and I'm so glad you found her. It sounds like she's fitting in just fine. I'm happy you found a good home for Rex. Sometimes it doesn't work for whatever reason but what's important is that he's happy now.
im glad Rex has a happy home as well :)
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