Fic: A Boys' Night In

Feb 21, 2014 20:45

Title: A Boys' Night In
Warnings: None
Word Count: 294
Rating: Gen
Characters: Dorian, Rudy, John Kennex, Richard Paul and others.
Disclaimer: I don't own any androids or sexy cops.
Summary: John organises a special evening for Dorian.

Dorian began shuffling the new cards that Richard had insisted he use. He riffled them with a fast smooth action ( Read more... )

fanfic, almost human, challenge

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Comments 8

daria234 February 21 2014, 20:57:24 UTC
Ooh, interesting! Love it. Especially that Dorian wants to be one of the crew.


quirky_thoughts February 21 2014, 23:37:12 UTC
Thank you, so glad you enjoyed it. :) I think Dorian is getting a need to be one of the gang.


black_sluggard February 21 2014, 23:27:18 UTC
So adorable. ♥


quirky_thoughts February 21 2014, 23:39:11 UTC
Thanks.:) I'm sure John would do this for Dorian. :D


pattrose February 22 2014, 00:21:01 UTC
Oh, this was fantastic. I could just see John talking them into it. Great job and use of the prompt.


quirky_thoughts February 23 2014, 11:23:13 UTC
Thanks. :) I'm glad you enjoyed it.


j_r_hartley February 23 2014, 20:22:13 UTC
Aww, can I just cuddle long as I don't interrupted the playing? :p

I can just imagine the look on his face, he's like an excitable kid! :D I like how Rudy pointed out the obvious and then jumped in! I love those two, they're great! :D

Nice little ficlet! :)


quirky_thoughts February 24 2014, 21:07:19 UTC
I wonder if androids like to cuddle? XD But I reckon Dorian would find it pleasing.

Thanks for reading. :)


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